Step 1: Jack up the front of the VX & remove both front wheels and place on jack stands. Put your jack under the lower control arm and lift just enough to relieve pressure.
Step 2: Remove the 4 17mm bolts from the lower control arm & lower jack.
Step 3: Reposition the ball joint bracket to the top of the lower control arm.
Step 4: Careful with this step if you are re-using your CV boots. Remove the bands from the INNER CV BOOT. Move boot off of CV Joint.
Tip: I was able to cut the bands with a pair of wire cutters but it took a while & I even managed to not cut the boot in
the process. A small flat screwdriver helps to hold the band away from the boot whilst cutting. Heavy duty zip ties
can be used in place of the bands during re-install (not endorsing this but it worked for me).
Step 5: Locate the wire ring just inside the inner lip and slide a screw driver under it. Pop the ring out. This is the
retainer ring that holds your CV joint and axle shaft in.
Step 6: Pull the CV joint out by pulling the brake assembly outward. Cover the CV joint with plastic bag.