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Thread: Towable?

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Aug 2006
    2001 Proton VX 0136
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    I've got a guy in Dallas very interested in buying my proton but he wants to know if it's "towable." A question I don't know how to answer. I assumed you can just put in neutral and go but he says his jeep wrangler can be put in 4N for towing behind a motor home. I know you can't disengage the 4WD on a VX, but should that matter in its being "towable" or not?

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    The safest way, and also causes the least ware on parts will be to remove both drive shafts. Even though it's not a super long haul from you to Dallas, if the gear selector in the VX is in neutral going down the road and somehow slips into a drive gear you could imagine the carnage.

  3. #3
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    Tom4Bren is currently setting his VX up to make it towable behind his motorhome.
    IIRC, you need a rear drive shaft disconnect, and free wheeling hubs on the front.

    It is not safe to tow your VX in neutral, as the auto transmission will still be turning.

    Now that food has replaced sex in my life -

    I can't even get into my own pants!!

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK View Post
    It is not safe to tow your VX in neutral, as the auto transmission will still be turning.

    X 2

  5. #5
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    LDUB and his super amazing use of the search function to the rescue again, thanks man! why dint I think of that.

    Well, that's a bummer, I was afraid there would be no easy way to do it. Personally, I'm not a fan of towing anything 4-down...why put unnecessary mileage on a vehicle (especially a rare one).

    I'll let him know this is probably not the best fit for him. Thanks everyone.

  6. #6
    Member Since
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    you can flat bed it.....
    And just another FYI, IIRC, you can NOT use a tow dolly on the front or rear wheels either, forward or backwards....flat bed is the only way without modifying as mentioned.
    VX KAT
    ....the adventure BEGINS ANEW! ...2015......
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK View Post
    Tom4Bren is currently setting his VX up to make it towable behind his motorhome.
    When Travelin2 sold his VX, he sold me the components that he installed so the 2 threads mentioned by Ldub are what my setup will be.

    Quote Originally Posted by VX KAT View Post
    you can flat bed it.....
    And just another FYI, IIRC, you can NOT use a tow dolly on the front or rear wheels either, forward or backwards....flat bed is the only way without modifying as mentioned.

    If you install the lock-out hubs (less than $100), you can dolly it from the rear.

    BTW, with the driveshaft disconnect, the mileage won't register on the ODO.

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  8. #8
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    i always hated that question when i was a salesman back in the day. i lost many rodeo/sport and even a few vx sales because they arnt towable without disconecting the drive shaft. always pissed me off, if you can aford a $100k+ motorhome, $30k+ on a ride to tow behind it. then get a $500 traler to put it on so you can get the car you want insted of being "forced" to buy a jeep cuz you can tow it....

  9. #9
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    Yah, but most RV'rs don't want to take 30 minutes to unload the towed vehicle from a trailer when they get where they are going ... just unhitch, pull 2 pins to remove tow-bar & you're done.

    I'm just playing devils advocate here. I know that you can set up the trailer so that you can unload in less than 10 minutes.

    You also have to find somewhere to store that monstrosity at home & where ever you're headed.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by VX KAT View Post
    you can flat bed it.....
    And just another FYI, IIRC, you can NOT use a tow dolly on the front or rear wheels either, forward or backwards....flat bed is the only way without modifying as mentioned <- DELETE THESE LAST TWO WORDS...IT'S THROWING OFF TOM THE ANAL/ NEUROTIC ENGINEER....
    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post

    If you install the lock-out hubs (less than $100), you can dolly it from the rear.

    BTW, with the driveshaft disconnect, the mileage won't register on the ODO.
    Mornin' Tom, have another sip of your coffee ....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by VX KAT View Post
    Mornin' Tom, have another sip of your coffee ....
    Yes Dear.

    How-some-ever, ifn you were to ask yer technoid hubby I'm sure he would back me on the fact that due to the cost, labor, & reverse installation (to revert to stock configuration) involved, adding front lockout hubs does not fall within the true definition of 'modification'. Would you consider adding a cupholder a 'modification'???

    WOO-WOO-WOO!!! Dawgs rule ... & Cats drool. Score one for the technoids.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Yes Dear.

    How-some-ever, ifn you were to ask yer technoid hubby I'm sure he would back me on the fact that due to the cost, labor, & reverse installation (to revert to stock configuration) involved, adding front lockout hubs does not fall within the true definition of 'modification'. Would you consider adding a cupholder a 'modification'???

    WOO-WOO-WOO!!! Dawgs rule ... & Cats drool. Score one for the technoids.
    oh boy, now's he had tooooo much coffee............

    and yes, as a matter of fact I would consider a cupholder a mod.....that's within MY skill level so I gotta claim all the mods I can......

  13. #13
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    The scarey part is that I don't do coffee at all. I'm strung out on Iced Tea (0500-0800) & Mountain Dew (0800-1600). There's a reason for the set schedule but you don't wanna know.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    The scarey part is that I don't do coffee at all. I'm strung out on Iced Tea (0500-0800) & Mountain Dew (0800-1600). There's a reason for the set schedule but you don't wanna know.
    I think we can pretty much guess...

  15. #15
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    Why oh why do I play mind games with unarmed people???

    Sorry for the threadjack tbigity, but since your question has been answered, I figured it was fair game.

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