Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
...The fact that there are still those out there, who despite the best efforts of an overly litigenous society, which puts warning labels on HOT COFFEE cups, STILL manage to "F" themselves up...
Before you keep using the well-known '90's McDonalds lawsuit as an example of a frivolous lawsuit, I'd suggest you watch the movie "Hot Coffee" currently being shown on HBO.

That particular lawsuit, the real physical damage it caused to the elderly woman, and the repeated negligence displayed by McDonald leading up to the incident was twisted around by the media, the Bush administration, and the likes of Carl Rowe to pass tort reform which ended up making it near impossible for ANY U.S. citizens to seek reasonable recourse for legitimate damages against actual negligence of corporations.

Hopefully none of us here will ever have to find out the hard way the definition of "mandatory arbitration" should we be on the receiving end of any gross negligence of a business large enough to hide behind it's lawyers, but that's what happens when people believe everything they see and hear on tv.

Makes a person wonder just why this particular incident is being so widely reported.