with Adam Corolla.

Anyone see this craptacular show the other night? Looks like they followed the same formula every other producer follows when the steal a British Show. Take everything the makes it good and get rid of it. Then have it hosted by the worst group you can find based on the formula
1. a fart joke politically ioncorrect guy
2. a gay or effeminate guy
3. a famous guy who has nothing to do with the topic
4. the slob.

They obviously are ripping of teh hugely famous Top Gear but then putting their own touches on it. Its like movie remakes. A person does not have the imagination to come up with an original idea but apparently thinks they have the imagination to improve on the guiy who actually does have a good idea. On top of that the first car they review is a Ferrari which they call the best sports car ever. Really? Despite the fact it isnt even the best Ferrari being produced why do I need to watch the show again? I already know the best car ever. On top of that the challenge is teaching so called models how to drive a stick in a Viper. These girls looked like they were grabbed out of the audience. Not bad looking mind you but certainly not models. (Maybe in the Kmart or JCPenney catalogue)