It's not that I don't like the look of the vehicle, I am just saying its never gonna happen. It looks cool, as a concept.
As for the environmentalist, I wasn't referring to gas prices, I was referring to the closing of parks, the battle to keep them open and the trending of vehicles. A small 4x4 like ours would be awesome, but I doubt this D100 will fit the bill. No one is going to want a tiny 4x4 that gets <30mpg and costs 70K.
I am a big proponent of new vehicles, if my VX got totaled tomorrow, I would find an FJ Cruiser to replace it. (I hope Justin sees that, he hates those

Quote Originally Posted by Osteomata View Post
Ah yes, before I even read the comments I was thinking to myself "Marlin will no doubt completely slam this because it is not exactly like a VX." You are nothing if not consistent Chief!

I freaking love that Sport version, but even after going through the photo album and videos, I am confused as to how the top is supposed to work. Do they intend an electric soft or hard top, or a manually fully removed hard top? And if the "trunk" is only accessible b y completely removing that cover, that would be difficult to sell I think.

Also, combined federal and state gas tax is about 48 cents for a gallon, compared to roughly $3+ per gallon in much of Europe. Yeah, those liberals are really winning. Granting the impact of CAFE standards, it sounds more like the free market and consumer choice, of which gas prices are part of the equation, are determining which model car companies chose to invest and risk bringing into production.