Yeah, so take that!!! Neener, neener, neener. But seriously, no harm; no foal. Ya' gotta love this VX family. It sometimes reminds me of when my relatives are over for Thanksgiving Dinner and the heated argu.... err.... "discussions" (yeah, that's it) that develop, LOL.

For the record, I praise those folks that go the extra effort and mod their VX's to their own personal liking (heck; they own it, so go for it). They take the risk of going through with the mod and that it may present some unknown challenges before final completion or may possibly open-up a whole new can-o-worms creating a domino effect of issues or continued required maintanance due to the mod. That is the risk versus reward factor. Bottom line-- be happy with your VX and do those things or intentionally NOT do those things in your continued quest to be a satisfied VX owner.