Can you just repalce a driveshaft U joint or are you better off rebuilding the existing U joint to avoid having to rebalance the whole shaft? Thx
Can you just repalce a driveshaft U joint or are you better off rebuilding the existing U joint to avoid having to rebalance the whole shaft? Thx
You should be okay just replacing the UJoint. Just pay attention to the orientation of the flanges...mark them and put them in the same position.
Billy Oliver
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Great. Thanks.
I wouldn't go the rebuild route yet. LittleBeast is looking into a shop that will modify our driveshaft to replace one of the U Joints with a CV. If the price ends up being right, that would be sweet.
Put a smiley after you say that Bub.
Interesting. I guess you'd have to give up driving for a while, though?
There should be one 'float' available already (mine). His should be available when you are ready to purchase & yours available for the next. We could check with a few other members that have parts trucks to see if they could provide an additional float.
Not sure but if it is possible given our stock connections this guy will figure out a way to get it done. To correct the pinion angle you need to increase the length of the lower links and the drivetrain guy said I should consider lengthening the driveshaft as well, so that will be one other thing to consider when he is looking into a possible upgrade for our factory driveshafts. The only reason to do this would be to beef up the driveshaft or to correct the vibration after lifting. With the CV/Ujoint driveshaft you will need the pinion angle to be zero in regards to the driveshaft.
Thanks. Not what I'm after. I'm running stock, no lift, just everyday driving.