four mastiff fangs in the face
four mastiff fangs in the face
Why do my kids and grand-kids think that lightening my wallet will make my VX faster?
I only wanted one thing for Christmas this year, so I bought it! (not my video)
I'm a huge Jackie fan, and got to see and meet her at her Atlantic City concert last weekend! My Christmas gift to myself.
2001 Proton Yellow #1379
I got a collapsable (sp?) Snow shovel from black diamond, pretty sweet for building some back country kickers,
I also got a new north face and a computer charger so I can check from my laptop again instead of having to use my phone for all internet. Pretty excited.
"Do Not Seek Praise. Seek Criticism."
"If You Can't Solve A Problem, It's Because You're Playing By The Rules."
"The Perosn Who Doesn't Make Mistakes Is Unlikely To Make Anything."
-Paul Arden
VX related, I received a few more items that will go towards the stereo, rear hatch popper, and rear dome light project that I'm thinking I may finally have time to start/complete in the near future. Stereo patch cords, speaker wire, and one of the Autloc door poppers suggested by Mile High VX (Amazon had a great price).
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
-Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless