Ok, the transformation has begun. I've received most of the parts from Jerry to do the swap, the actual clutch is still on its way. I got the old auto trans out today and plan on myabe getting the pedals swapped out tomorrow and get the flywheel installed too. Once the clutch gets here it is time for the next step. I am still scratching my head on the wiring as there are a ton of wires on the auto and not so many on the manual. I will get it figured out soon, no worries Ashley! So now for some pictures....

Here is the patient ready for surgery..

Flywheel, pedals, clutch master, slave cylinder, new clutch bolts, new trans mount, and new flywheel bolts...

The AR5 manual trans...

I was pleased to see no rust and all bolts came out easily, except the exhaust bolts which required some heat to losen up...