I tied up most of the mechanical loose ends today. I was going to use the Trooper hard gas lines but could not use it because the lines have different wanys of connecting to the common chamber. Also note worthy is I decided to go with the Trooper exhaust because if I had used the VX exhaise system I would have had to start moving wires at the PCM and I really didn't want to get into that. I will research it later to get an idea of what is required. So without further ado here are some more pictures...
The new throwout bearing...
Shift arm and throwout bearing assembled. After the transmission is installed the bearing snaps into the clutch. I was able to do this by pulling the shift arm towards the back of the truck. It took very little effort to snap in place...
I had to modify the dust cover that sits behind the started slightly. On the auto the dust cover is held in by a bolt screwed into the trans housing. On the manual the bolt goes all the way though the housing. I marked the plate and drilled a hole through the plate and mounted everything up. The drill bit in the picture is where the bolt passes through the housing.
Bolt installed...
Slave cylinder mounted...
I switched to allen head bolts due to the close tollerences between the cases...
Shifters and rubber boots installed...
Rear drive shaft installed...
Trooper exhaust installed...