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Thread: Important INFO.....

  1. #16
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    Its not to go and hide, one may do just that. But i tell u guys this, cuz it's better to know whats coming, then be completely clueless and be caught by surprise. Whatever you do is up to you, I just care about you guys, and I want the best and if the only help that i can contribute to u guys is simply informing you guys, then at least i tried something, right? Well thats all I'll say about all this and I hope u guys at least heard my insane self :wink:. Im not going anywhere, i'll still be posting here about VX stuff, so for now, God bless all.

    Whats the Point of Living, if You don't go BIG.....
    Turning My VX Into Rally VX

  2. #17
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    Hangabout - coastieboy may have a point here. I'm taking his advise:
    - Have Plenty of Water (15,000 Gallon Pool - full and can be covered by tomorrow)
    - Am gonna dig up my ammo - may need it afterall
    - I'll line my already heavy VX with lead sheets to combat radiation (I'm not trusting the North Korean *&$%&#@@##)
    - To add some more weight, I'll add some High Tensile Plate + Ballistic Glass
    - I already have 1800 Gallons of 98 octane stored
    - Am making my new headgear from tin-foil to prevent martians from reading my thoughts....

    Hey, all joking aside, what ever happens I live day-to-day anyway! Every day is a bonus, I wake up with a smile knowing I'm still alive and am blessed with what I have:
    - My Family
    - A roof over my head (complete with 4 car garage / workshop)
    - My animal
    - My VX

    Live life to the Max - Drive a VX

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoastieCosta567 View Post
    Its not to go and hide, one may do just that. But i tell u guys this, cuz it's better to know whats coming, then be completely clueless and be caught by surprise. Whatever you do is up to you, I just care about you guys, and I want the best and if the only help that i can contribute to u guys is simply informing you guys, then at least i tried something, right? Well thats all I'll say about all this and I hope u guys at least heard my insane self :wink:. Im not going anywhere, i'll still be posting here about VX stuff, so for now, God bless all.
    Thanks for the clarification Coaster...

    I had a helluva time finding a concrete culvert to hole up in, that was near enough to a wi-fi hotspot so that I can still post.

    All that having been said, I'm still worried about the "z factor"...that's right, ZOMBIES.

    They're still busy at work in Washington, & they're not satisfied with eating brains any more, now they're after my civil rights & other stuff. I've even heard rumors of them starting to favor pizza rolls & pot stickers. (2 of my staples)

    ........ ....

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triathlete View Post
    So we should all run and hide in the closet in fear?
    Crap has been going on goes on. If it does hit the fan I guess we will just have to deal with it...eather way I will go on enjoying the day.
    x2, people like the opening poster live horrible lives if this is all they think about. Live life to the fullest I say and don't dwell. Like you said **** always happens. The world will NEVER be a utopia.
    2001 VX

    2008 HUMMER H3

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triathlete View Post
    So we should all run and hide in the closet in fear?
    Crap has been going on goes on. If it does hit the fan I guess we will just have to deal with it...eather way I will go on enjoying the day.
    x2...nothing can be done anyway...Unless there is REAL rioting in the everybody rioting,not just a handful.
    What happened to the Occupy crowd?
    IMHO Humans have bred themselves into this situation.Too many mouths to feed not enough resources.The first EARTHDAY in 1970 was about overpopulation! No one listened
    Chi Dog...Dog is my Co-pilot
    Onward thru the fog
    Leave it BETTER than you found it!

  6. #21
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    I agree with you... Hard times ahead. Get out and work on the Ron Paul campaign.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bearandbee View Post
    I agree with you... Hard times ahead. Get out and work on the Ron Paul campaign.
    TY, im not saying to pack up n head for the hills, or stock up on 10 tanks a thousand land minds. Though thats not a bad idea, J/K. But trying to at least do something is again something. I'm by no means saying freak out and worry, you can still be sane and continue enjoying life knowing that crap can hit the fan any minute. For example, in my case Im still going to college, happily married, enjoying my life with friends and family, but at the same time preparing my self and making sure if something did happened, i know I have safety and comfort to give to my family, those i care for, and my self.

    This is the world right now in a nut shell in my own opinion....picture a cruise ship, every1 is in a huge party, some sleeping, some drunk, and many others ignorant of reality. The bridge of the ship has no one on the helm and the captain and his crew took off on a helicopter, knowing that the ship is min's away from smashing into an underwater island. Those that don't smack them selfs to see, will be caught by surprise and those who know will ether hold on tight, or are already waiting on the rescue boats. Thats the whole world Today. Now who are you, REALLY?

    I know most people are careless of whats around them, and the only way those people come to understanding or wake up is when something interrupts their nice naive lives. Then thats when they say crap, what can I do now? Ask all those unemployed parents/people that didn't see the economy fall in time to do something before it was to late. If you are involved at world issues, u could of seen the 2008 problem, it was not something out of the blue, just simply people asleep at the reality around them. We are all given warnings, and signs of things to come for a reason. They are to prepare us of things that may or may not effect us in the future. THe truth is that, no matter how many times people go through things, experience unexpected problems, people tend to ignore the past and continue to walk on the plank as if there is no sharks underneath. Yes, the plank may be sturdy, but if u don't look at the past every once in a while to learn, u may find ur self past to a point of no return, and some1 is behind u with a jigsaw cutting the plank with out u knowing.

    I made this topic to make u all think. If u read what i wrote, then at least u saw it, and if u did something about it, then thats great. What ever u do, is up to u. I'm not here to force a made up idea, but informing u guys of real genuine issues that are backed up by evidence. Enjoying ur life and having fun while at it is one thing, but being a scoffer or completely ignorant is something else.

  8. #23
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    Thumbs down Need to make sense

    Quote Originally Posted by CoastieCosta567 View Post
    TY, im not saying to pack up n head for the hills, or stock up on 10 tanks a thousand land minds. Though thats not a bad idea, J/K. But trying to at least do something is again something. I'm by no means saying freak out and worry, you can still be sane and continue enjoying life knowing that crap can hit the fan any minute.
    This is the world right now in a nut shell in my own opinion....picture a cruise ship, every1 is in a huge party, some sleeping, some drunk, and many others ignorant of reality. The bridge of the ship has no one on the helm and the captain and his crew took off on a helicopter, knowing that the ship is min's away from smashing into an underwater island. .
    Most of the original and later posts are not making sense and are just ranting about something I still do not what. But the two parts of the recent post show just how nonsensical the thread is. Dont panic but the world is like a ship with no helmsman steering it. Well if this isn't the time to panic when is?

    Much like the OWS protestors there is no message no reasoning and no answers.
    "Take it up with my butt, cuz he's the only one that gives a crap"

    Carter Pewterschmidt

  9. #24
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    I hope I get to 1000 posts before the shhhheeeeeeite hits the fan.

    I see Coastie as just being informative, not insane. I also see/think that people are pretty sure about what is going on in the world and realize.... there is nothing we can do about it.

    Really no need to sling mud around though.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by crager34 View Post
    I see Coastie as just being informative, not insane. I also see/think that people are pretty sure about what is going on in the world and realize.... there is nothing we can do about it.

    Really no need to sling mud around though.
    Agreed. It's always easy to view certain things as harbingers of doom because they sometimes have the appearance of chaos. I happen to think that things are generally more connected than they may appear on the surface though, and aren't always as totally unrelated as some would have you believe.

    Take for example the current trouble in the Strait of Hormuz. Does is not seem even a little coincidental that this would be happening and the potential "threat" of higher foreign oil/gas prices would start to be thrown around at the same time that support is trying to be gathered for that Canadian/U.S. pipeline project? An easy way to determine the reality of that possibility would be to look where the powers that be in Washington and Wall Street are currently placing their bets in the stock market.

    If a person looks at the list Coastie provided, it seems fairly straightforward how many of the items on that list have money as the root cause of the yeah...S.N.A.F.U.

  11. #26
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    Well there is an answer, but the answer that I have is one that many ignore or refuse to believe in. Like i mentioned, I'm a Christian that believes in the Bible 100%, so the answer that I believe to be the only way out of all this craziness is God. I believe that if any1, u and I get right with God, then all will be ok. I didn't want to get to this point, for i guessed u guys would come to that conclusion eventually, or even if you don't believe, you can see for ur selfs that the world is going threw great pain right now. Like I said before, I'm not scared, I'm actually the opposite, cuz I know where I stand in my personal walk with God. I didn't want this discussion to go into a religious debate or conversation, for I know many people can't stand that topic and would do anything to avoid it, or ridicule Christianity. SO leaving that aside, now that u guys know my comfort in all this, I simply wanted to inform u guys of things going on, thats it. Again, what u do with this information is up to u all. I just stated some facts, information, a message. I apologize if I have offended any1, and just to be clear here, that was not my intention at all. I'm just informing you guys, and making u all think twice about these issues. Its a different subject and one that i really thought needed to be brought up due to the current threats that could greatly effect all of us. Don't kill the messenger, but question the message.
    Last edited by CoastieCosta567 : 12/30/2011 at 11:46 AM

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    Take for example the current trouble in the Strait of Hormuz. Does is not seem even a little coincidental that this would be happening and the potential "threat" of higher foreign oil/gas prices would start to be thrown around at the same time that support is trying to be gathered for that Canadian/U.S. pipeline project?
    Eh, no coincidence whatsoever. It's just the usual global conspiracy to raise gas prices just before my annual pilgrimage to Moab...happens every year.
    95 Trooper with a buncha stuff nobody here cares about...

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoastieCosta567 View Post
    I believe that if any1, u and I get right with God, then all will be ok.
    In all seriousness, this is the kind of attitude that causes much of the aforementioned trouble. For example, the guys who flew the airplanes into the World Trade Center believed they were doing God's work and would be "right with God" for having done the deed...not everybody follows the same God, not even close.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigSwede View Post
    In all seriousness, this is the kind of attitude that causes much of the aforementioned trouble. For example, the guys who flew the airplanes into the World Trade Center believed they were doing God's work and would be "right with God" for having done the deed...not everybody follows the same God, not even close.
    But this argument borders on sanctioning pure secularism and the dismissal of God as merely a shelter of a feeble (or insane) mind.

    Theological extremism is at its worst when it compels followers to convert the non-believers at the cost of either - or both - of their lives. But the majority, albeit a shrinking one, of civilized people recognize this and do not try to sell their beliefs to others at the end of a sword, scimitar, gun, IED, etc. Guilt still works pretty good though.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigSwede View Post
    In all seriousness, this is the kind of attitude that causes much of the aforementioned trouble. For example, the guys who flew the airplanes into the World Trade Center believed they were doing God's work and would be "right with God" for having done the deed...not everybody follows the same God, not even close.
    Most of what is wrong with the world starts with religion IMO.

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