This will be vary short, and very fast. I care for all you guys and I want you all to hear me out, if you don't believe me, thats ok, you are not the first, but for those who know and/or are willing to understand, this is what I have to say to all my VX friends.

Let me tell u all a truth, something that is to come, and i will only scratch the surface for the Info is so much and the reality is much deeper then the lies we all have been told to believe...


If u are not prepared, i will greatly ask you all to stop sleeping, and Start waking up. God Bless u all, n i pray u all see before the storm hits and catches u unprepared. This is serious, and again, i don't mean to offend any1, but If what I have said is true, then at least consider that what i have said. Those that know whats going on, please feel free to input on what you know, and those that don't, please feel free to ask what kind of storms are coming.