So, I just picked up my very first VX today.....while driving along in 4th at around 60mph, i decided to turn on the A/C and put the temp' to minimum.....the transmission immediately dropped down to 3rd (almost if i had hit the kickdown!!!)...

..within a few seconds it is back up to 4th for several seconds and then i guess when the A/C compressor kicks-in again it drops back down to 3rd gear !!

Not only that but just before i decided to turn off the A/C (the VX didn't like it, seemed all wrong to me)...The Engine Check light came on

Anybody experienced this before?...if not, any ideas why such a thing should happen?...(never had this in any automatic car before!!!)

ps. i have also got erratic idle now as well ..but that may be unrelated!...bare in mind, i have only just bought the VX...not happy at the moment!!!