Can anybody recommend a external fuel pump I'm installing a fuel cell in the the vehicross ?
Can anybody recommend a external fuel pump I'm installing a fuel cell in the the vehicross ?
anybody ?
VX?...what VX...
I see nothing in your profile, OR gallery...
fuel cell ???
bosch 044 or walbro 392- the bosch is used a lot on rally racers, the walbro on a lot of offroading. Both are proven beyond any doubt. If you're going fuel cell do a search over at pirate4x4 and read billavistas article on fuel cell plumbing. Both are very informative and will point you in the right direction.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on me.
I believe this is the article Ascinder is talking about. I just discovered their library of tech articles and have been busy getting educated. Lots of good stuff in there.