Okay so got about 20 miles shy of Columbia, MO and decided to pull over for gas. Noticed that the cargo box was leaning slightly to the right but figured it was just a loose bolt and decided to wait until after dinner to tighten it. Fortunately there was a fantastic steak place only 20 miles up the road (G&D Steakhouse in Columbia) so after dinner I took a closer look. Turns out the problem is bigger than I thought - one of the welds that attach the platform support "arms" to the swing away bar is failing, as per the pics below. I immediately moved not only the heaviest items from the box into the VX, but pretty much every single thing that would fit. (Amazing how little stuff was actually left in the box when I was done.) I put the box back on (it detaches from the platform) and the sag was less pronounced so I decided to drive on to Kansas City. Just checked it out again and the crack and subsequent sag don't seem to be worsening. Here's what it looks like as of about 30 minutes ago (note that the hole you see is supposed to be there - the crack is along the horizontal weld):

Reverse angle:

Pic showing the difference in angle between the two arms:

So my question to you guys is how scared should I be to drive the remaining 15 hours to Moab, and once I'm there, can anyone help me fix it? Don't suppose anybody has any welding supplies they want to bring along. Or if anyone knows a welder in Denver who works on Sundays that would be great too. My perception is that the crack doesn't look any worse after nearly two hours of driving, so given the dramatic weight reduction, maybe it will be okay until Moab.
