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Thread: Petersen Visit update...not lookin' good

  1. #46
    Member Since
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    Jo, it's a lesson I've certainly learned the hard way in this digital age (Yes, I just proved once again that I'm old.)..."Say it forget it, write it regret it"!
    Vixer Fixer

  2. #47
    Member Since
    Jul 2004
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    opinions on who the REALLY hyper-sensitive ones are around here remains debatable considering who started all this crap in this thread because of an obvious joke.
    X2 only the overly defensive few saw it any differently...

  3. #48
    Member Since
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    '01 Ebony #0939
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    Not to hijack any other potential responses you may have in mind VX Obsession, but some of these comments were clearly also directed (if even indirectly) at me regarding this thread so...

    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    Well yes VXobs I guess.....

    ...sensitive enough to continue to take this bickering away from this thread...
    To continue trying to sway others to your opinion via PM perhaps? Don't worry about it though, you're not alone. There are many people who feel a similar need for a safety-in-numbers verification that they are right about something.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    The PM talked about you and I butting heads when you claimed to be "the one person here"..
    ... relative to knowing how to use and drive their VX the right way.

    And I was far from the only one that took you up on that fantastical claim..
    ........with many pointing out both the fallacy of that statement and the arrogance of it ,
    not least because of your newish membership here, which clearly contributed to a lack of historical knowledge and fact....
    Just an uninformed opinion/observation, but I wasn't even present when this seemingly "fantastical", "ignorant", and "arrogant" claim lacking historical knowledge and fact" was made, and even I can recognize how the comments may have simply been meant as a joke. Sounds like another possible case of over-prioritized sensitivity (re;VX's) run amuck on the part of you and yours IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    I will repeat here what I said in the PM..

    I am truly sorry if I offended you.

    Given your posts here, and your reply to me..
    ....obviously it is something you are still "sensitive" about.

    IMO your initial claim, and the derogatory way you generalized the "Moab Mob" etc.....
    ...kind of set you up for the mass rebuttal you got!
    Given some of the mass rebuttals I've gotten on this message board which have been based on misinterpretations of some of my past comments/opinions, some may consider the adjective "mob" to be somewhere around half-way accurate.


    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    Seems the O/T part of this thread has highlighted a division of "style" between many of us...

    This is essentially what I was trying to say days ago when I last discussed this O/T topic here...
    ....when I suggested that tone/inflection etc has a lot to do with the way things seem/come across live, relative to written.

    And why I suggested that some of us need to think twice, and type once.

    It was not meant as a me first, or as an anyone else first, suggestion...
    ...but maybe as a good plan for several of us that seem to bug each other now and then.

    To be persisting in trying to portray my original post in this thread as anything other than the joke it clearly was seems a clear indication that it's not as much a matter of objectively viewing tone/inflection (whether written OR live) as it is subjectively viewing who is making the comment.

    So how about it Jo, are you going to continue being sensitive enough to take this bickering away from this thread by, well...continuing to bicker in this thread... or are you going to let it drop by also apologizing to me for trying to portray my joke as being some sort of dig at Baldwin and his efforts (as I said I would if it was proven that Baldwin and the "Education Program Scheduling Coordinator" were one and the same) rather than the B.S. flag-raiser regarding the Peterson "Vault" fee that it obviously was? I mean, you don't seem to have any trouble publicly apologizing to anyone else when you think you may have said something offensive to someone who you think is being overly-sensitive.

  4. #49
    Member Since
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    Haha, who is the one bickering the most in this thread? Easy answer: Treky

    Who is the one asking for an apology? Treky

    Who claims to not care that much about his VX to donate to this site? And who claims to have plenty of other interests yet posts more than almost anyone else, and certainly posts the most out of everyone who cannot seem to afford any money to support the site? Same answer. Makes no sense. None.

  5. #50
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    I'm at a loss for this <<<--------->>> is the extent of my post.

  6. #51
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    Can't we all just get along!
    2001 VX

    2008 HUMMER H3

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by H3_VX View Post
    Can't we all just get along!
    x a billion!
    All this negative fueding is making this site a less than enjoyable experience.
    Billy Oliver
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    Accelerate3Coaching (PM me for 1 time use 20% off code)

  8. #53
    I may not be in the "in crowd" so I never understood this whole thread.

    It seemed obvious to me the "offensive" post was direct at the dumb-*** Museum Policy not at any member here.

    But then I'm an outsider.

  9. #54
    Member Since
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    Oh heck, just sit back and enjoy the show; it only costs what you're willing to contribute! (Oops, did I just say that out loud, damn...)

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    Haha, who is the one bickering the most in this thread? Easy answer: Treky
    You say bickering, I say defending against what could be viewed as purposefully ignorant misrepresentations.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    Who is the one asking for an apology? Treky
    I wasn't asking for an apology, I was asking whether Jo was going to apologize for making his mistaken claims. I don't need an apology from him to know that his claims were mistaken, especially since getting an apology wouldn't change the fact that they were mistaken.

    And Treky? Really? What are third grade?

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    Who claims to not care that much about his VX to donate to this site?
    I don't think that ended up making as much sense as you had probably hoped it would.

    Regardless, I've already explained many times that donations to this site can come in many different forms. That you and some others are of the opinion that monetary donations are the only form that apparently count simply illustrates what you care most about. I suppose I could start billing people for my time when helping people troubleshoot their VX issues, and request receipts for the labor costs I help them save by figuring out how to make their needed repairs themselves, but we're talking family here, and that's not what family does...right?

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    And who claims to have plenty of other interests yet posts more than almost anyone else, and certainly posts the most out of everyone who cannot seem to afford any money to support the site?
    You obviously (and purposefully?) left out the fact that the majority of the posts I just referred to are made here trying to help other VX owners troubleshoot electrical and mechanical problems that they're having with their VX's (including you a few times in the past for that matter). While you may choose to see no value in that because it doesn't fit in with how you try to portray me, there have been others who have viewed my help as having value.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    Same answer. Makes no sense. None.
    Given where your priorities seem to lie, are you sure it wouldn't have been more accurate if you'd written "cents"?

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Larson View Post
    Oh heck, just sit back and enjoy the show; it only costs what you're willing to contribute! (Oops, did I just say that out loud, damn...)
    I rest my case.

  12. #57
    Member Since
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    Case rested, duly noted...

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baldwin View Post
    Wow...what a heated discussion. I didn't expect that considering the last few updates I gave had only a few responses. I purposely deleted the name of the person that works at the Peterson. I'm not the "Education whatever." I'm working with the same person that I worked with last time and her boss that gave us the free tour of the vault last time. They KNOW that the ONLY reason we want to go to the Petersen is to see the VX-O2. They are 100% sure that we would not go there for any other car. That being said, the Petersen was recently bought out and both the "Educational Coordinator" and her boss has been trying for the last few months to get the new management to either display the VX-O2 in rotation so that we don't have to pay, or waive the fee to allow us to view it in the vault. I'm also in communication with Chif at Isuzu Japan. He was one of the designers and he is able to get us written permission from Isuzu to scan the car. I have asked the Petersen if we have permission to scan it, would they still charge us the $2500 since it would most likely be in the vault or moved to an open area to make the scan. So yes, I've been very detailed and diligent to try to make this happen at no cost. The 2 people I worked with before are very understanding and want us there. But the new owners don't know us or the history of the VX-O2. My uncle was a major donor to the museum as well. He pulled out when the new management took place so even he wasn't able to get me the hook up. I hope that answers some questions. Thanks JoFotoz for havin' my back. We did get some great pics last time. Maybe one of us will one day make that mod. "West Coast Customs" quote is between $50k-$80k. GAS is interested to do it, but their legal department said "no" due to liabilities. Chip Foose never returns my calls. I didn't feel comfortable with the ghetto chop shops that said they'd do it.
    Thanks for the hard work Baldwin. I'll be in California sometime later in the fall or early winter and could probably work my connection through LA. Just need to know at least a few weeks in advance.

  14. #59
    Member Since
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    Treky, I am so glad that your line of thought makes so much "cents" to you, but your logic is still completely flawed and for those of us that do not share in your jaded agenda of feeling self righteous in our helping of others on this site, it still will not help in keeping this site up and running. You do realize that no matter how many helpful words you type on this site you still are in NO WAY contributing to paying for the necessary costs incurred to keep this site running?

    You might be the first person I have met on here that finds their own help to others so valuable that you will put a monetary value on it and evidently feel better about yourself not actually sharing in the real monetary costs of this site. Most people that have helped me on this site (in reply to a thank you) simply say something along the lines of well this site has helped me out countless times as well. But from your last post it is clear you do not take that stance, but see your helping of others as a payment to the site, haha, wow you feel like your input is so valuable you do not need to share in the actual real monetary support of the running of this site? Good to know, that helps me get your "gist" a lot better. But once again I am REALLY glad most people do not agree with your line of thinking because then you and everyone else would not have a to go to at all. You do realize that everyone you are bickering against here actually is sharing in the monetary support of this site? So without us sharing in paying for everyone's opportunity to post, you would not be able to feel so self righteous in supporting the site by your "helpful posts" that obviously have monetary value in your mind?

    If in the future you see somehow you could help me out on an issue I would actually prefer if you instead took whatever value you evidently place on that help you could give me and instead gave that figure (whatever your mind has decided it to be) and give that to the site in the form of an actual monetary figure. So in that scenario you would be helping the entire site share in the monetary demands of keeping this site up and running instead of just helping me out on an issue that I can probably find help from someone else free of intelectual charge :-)
    Last edited by LittleBeast : 07/20/2012 at 01:02 AM

  15. #60
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    Treky, I am so glad that your line of thought makes so much "cents" to you, but your logic is still completely flawed...
    Your opinion. And is it possible you've formed that opinion simply because it's not the same logic as yours?

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    ...and for those of us that do not share in your jaded agenda of feeling self righteous in our helping of others on this site, it still will not help in keeping this site up and running. You do realize that no matter how many helpful words you type on this site you still are in NO WAY contributing to paying for the necessary costs incurred to keep this site running?
    You may want to refer to Scott's original mandate where he himself has always said that donation for this website is entirely voluntary. And like I mentioned to Dub, "a jaded agenda of feeling self-righteous" is your opinion of me, not my opinion of myself. You say there are those who do not share in my opinion, but there are those who do not share in yours either. You can't have it both ways. And besides, I've witnessed it myself that some of the help I've offered in the past has resulted in other members contributing to the site for the help they received, so that is in actuality ONE WAY my efforts have contributed to keeping this site running = your logic = flawed.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    ...You might be the first person I have met on here that finds their own help to others so valuable that you will put a monetary value on it and evidently feel better about yourself not actually sharing in the real monetary costs of this site...
    I said I "could" have charged other members for my help, I didn't say I actually did, and I've never even suggested that anyone else be obliged to donate to the site because of the help I've offered...unlike "those of you" I could mention...

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    ...Most people that have helped me on this site (in reply to a thank you) simply say something along the lines of well this site has helped me out countless times as well. But from your last post it is clear you do not take that stance, but see your helping of others as a payment to the site, haha, wow you feel like your input is so valuable you do not need to share in the actual real monetary support of the running of this site?...
    You're starting to repeat yourself. Saying something over and over again doesn't make it any truer than it was the first time you said it.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    ...Good to know, that helps me get your "gist" a lot better. But once again I am REALLY glad most people do not agree with your line of thinking because then you and everyone else would not have a to go to at all....
    Maybe, maybe not. (and it's still debatable whether you in fact ARE getting the gist better, because your own comments continue to make that remain doubtful.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    ...You do realize that everyone you are bickering against here actually is sharing in the monetary support of this site? So without us sharing in paying for everyone's opportunity to post, you would not be able to feel so self righteous in supporting the site by your "helpful posts" that obviously have monetary value in your mind?
    Once again, I'm not the one bickering here, as I've already explained. Given your comments though, it's starting to seem apparent that a self-righteous attitude can in fact be purchased here for the right price.

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    ...If in the future you see somehow you could help me out on an issue I would actually prefer if you instead took whatever value you evidently place on that help you could give me and instead gave that figure (whatever your mind has decided it to be) and give that to the site in the form of an actual monetary figure. So in that scenario you would be helping the entire site share in the monetary demands of keeping this site up and running instead of just helping me out on an issue that I can probably find help from someone else free of intelectual charge :-)
    You really need to pick an intellectual argument and stick with it. You've already said yourself quite a few times that in your opinion my help isn't really worth anything, so it remains debatable who among us is expressing the flawed logic.

    Since YOU don't seem to place any value on my help though, I'm happy to oblige in not offering it to YOU any more...(and all because someone didn't "get" my joke in this thread). I suppose you'll come up with some logic for that in there somewhere, but it comes across as more of a "cut off your nose to spite your face" kind of thing to me. Then again, what do I know...

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