A temple to the praise and compliments that other drivers or spectators may pay to you and your VX.

Just this morning, as I was sitting at a light to turn left, the driver in front of me, in his little Colt, leaned out the window and looked back. He shot me the thumbs up and smiled. I figured, I didnt know him, so I wound my window down and leaned out myself.

He says "That is a beautiful automobile man!"

I smile and simply nod my head "yes".

"What is it?", he shouts back.

I reply ,"It's called an Isuzu VehiCROSS."

He nods and continues to smile, giving me the thumbs up again, "Simply beautiful man. It looks really nice."

It's times like this, on your way to work in the morning, that will pull you out of a bad mood and get you ready for work. Needless to say, I ended up walking into the office with a smile instead of a frown.