My VX story ,,,maybe someone is interested in my ramble??!!!!

I really did luck out. I've had my eye on these for some time, but it wasn't on my mind at all. Then recently I got fed up with the $508.00 / month lease toyota made me on my 2001 RAV4. Its been 2 ys of paying this thing. Due to a little credit problem they threw me into the worst finance tier and raped me with a high interest lease. At the time I was happy to get the lease , but now it mentally caught up with me. (just bought my VX cash! no payments!)

I was driving to work one day and there was woman in a proton yellow VX in rockland county(a member perhaps) NY driving past me at the red light.


I WAS HOOKED!!!!!!!! As soon as I got to work I started my research. I scoured ebay motors and was happy to find many! But, they were all out west and delivery would be a pain. I went down through the gym in our facility and there was a good friend of mine. I told her of my desire for a VX..not only did she know of it, but she told me of the one in the movie "mission to mars"!!
I said NO WAY!!!!!!!
I have that movie at home!!! I also remembered that car looking futuristic but never put 2 +2 together. I had the movie at home and that was first on my list for activities upon arriving home.

ALL OF A SUDDEN the light went on and I got the idea to looked for local Izuzu dealers. There are not many left now!!! Guess the days of the stand a lone Izuzu dealership is gone.

LUCK OF THE IRISH smiled upon me.....and I'm not even Irish!!!!!
Found a local pontiac gm izuzu dealer who actually just got a 2001 VX low miles on a trade in from an old customer who bought it there in july, 2001!!!!
I dropped everything and ran over. Test drove it (never having driven one) and plopped down a deposit that day. Funny, I made the dealer give me 24 hours to change my mind and refund the deposit!! I spent the night reading up on the VX here in the forum and speaking to Raque about his VX (thanks again Raque)!!!

Its day two now for me and my VX!!!!
To end my long winded story I must say that I'm looking forward to driving my new VX to work like I never have before!!!! I think I'll take the long way there!!