So when I installed my new regulator I played with it a bit to see what the issues might be.

I noticed that when I operated the window with the top bolts removed that it worked great and that the support moved away from the door frame as the window neared the top of the run. When it would go down the support moved back toward the frame as intended. This is likely what has allowed the use of more washers to be a good fix.

I had a thought...what if you used a longer bolt at the top. The kind that has a shaft and then threads. This would allow the support to slide in and out. You could use a heavy spring between the outer door side of the regulator attachment point and the end of the bolt to hold it against the door frame but one that would allow some outward movement as the window raised and the regulator frame move outward. You might accomplish the same allowance for travel by using this type of set up between the regulator and the SBC bracket.

I'm not an engineer but it seems like from the behavior that I observed in the components that this might help the issue a great deal.

Anyone try this or have any thoughts on my observations?