Well, here we are. A decade later and still in love, but might have to go our separate ways...

I'm having a REALLY hard time making this decision.

With my first daughter, I was working for myself and so it was very easy to let my wife drive the VX (Since I could get the car seat in and out of it) on days I needed to pick up Ella, and my schedule was easy to deal with.

But now with daughter number 2, and me back in a full time job we have to split the pickup/dropoff duties and I was finally forced to get another ride that was easier to get the girls in and out of.

I absolutely love my VX, but it's just sitting there, waiting for the occasional weekend drive alone, just the two of us, and I feel like she's really just being left alone most of the time.

It makes me nervous about it not getting driven enough.

On top of that, with the market like it is, and likely not to be doing much better anytime soon, we aren't going to try and sell the house and move, so we need to make some long overdue improvements to the current abode. That makes it even harder to justify the VX.

UGHHHH. I feel like I be THAT GUY that had his dream mustang, or vette, etc and sold it, only to REALLY regret it years later.

I've seen cars sit though, and it's rarely a pretty thing.

I'll have to mull it over a LOT more in the coming weeks, but if she's gotta go, I REALLY hope someone from the family might be interested. I just can't imagine her going to someone who doesn't "get" it.

Just venting to the crew...

- holt