[QUOTE=Scott Larson;264803]Don't run your trans dry, never run your trans dry, it can only cause problems as you have already discovered. You may get lucky and discover that with a simple filter change and refill with fresh fluid, that you still have a working transmission. QUOTE]
Yep, I thinking about draining it after about an hour of run time, fluid is cheap, about $10 bucks or so a gallon, my notes from last time indicate it held about a gallon, I got 3 gallons on hand, so I thought that I would at least drain the drain pan after cycling the unit the first time, dunno about dropping it again, I took my lower transmission mount bold off, to lift the transfer case away from the cross member to get room to get the rear most pan bolts off, the lower mount bolts have no shifted slight off center and might be a pain to get back in their holes; going out to my garage now to put pans on and fill, test, keeping my fingers crossed!!! VX! I have been taking pictures of everything for the next guy that does his own filter change; gettting my crossmember off is outta the question, I broke one off AFTER spraying them all with penatrating oil, lossened all of them, and the last 1 snapped off; another problem!