OK let's do this! Who's in? Friday night, October 12, somewhere cool...
OK let's do this! Who's in? Friday night, October 12, somewhere cool...
Looking forward to it!
My vote is for a Giardono's location! Gotta get my fix while I'm there
If its pizza; There is the main COnnies pizza on archer / CHinatown. Large parking too...
If we are game for low light photography its a lot of industrial area.
Since you are coming all the way in from Indy... I think we should meet up at the Giordano's at 1323 LAKE ST. ADDISON, IL 60101
Then, if there are those that want to hang out after dinner, we can move the party over to Dave & Buster's at 1155 N. Swift Road. Right down the street.
I do alot of residential window installations this time of year, and october is set to be a very busy month as I have my weekends booked pretty heavily, which means I'm certain that I will be working that fri & sat, but I will definately try to make it! I haven't seen another VX in a long time!
Hooray pizza!!!
Looking forward to meeting up with everyone!
...because vinyl just sounds better!
Mr. Indy guy can't make it, so we don't have to get pizza. We could just meet at Dave & Buster's.since they have food there...
Since we are not going to grab pizza before hitting the gaming/dining location...
Gameworks at Streets of Woodfield in Shaumburg has been suggested because it is better than D&B. I am willing to meet there if it's OK with all y'all.
awful lot of planning going on here, not a lot of pictures.....
just messin with ya gill.
"Do Not Seek Praise. Seek Criticism."
"If You Can't Solve A Problem, It's Because You're Playing By The Rules."
"The Perosn Who Doesn't Make Mistakes Is Unlikely To Make Anything."
-Paul Arden