Call the motel, talk to Devon.
Thought a little graphic and pics would help the noobes get a feeling for the motel and "The Stoop".
The motel rooms are laid out as two separate rectangles, one story, and both sections face the parking lot in between the two.
Parking lot is only about 4-5 car lengths wide, so everything and everybody's rooms are really close by. There's parking spaces in front of each room.
The block of rooms with numbers 101 - 112 is the "older" motel, smaller rooms, very basic, lined up side by side by side, with a cement walkway /sidewalk along the front of the rooms.
The other block actually has two segments, #114 - 119, AND #120 - 125 one segment has 6 rooms then another straight segment has another 6 rooms, and an outdoor hot tub between them.
Each asterick is a room, the black parallel lines are the street along the front, and the red circle is the hot tub.
*********** ||
---------------------PARKING LOT-------------------------- ||
****** O ****** ||
#125-------------#120-------#110---------------#114 ||
There's a little grassy/dirt area next to the end room #112 (LDub's) as well as a little extra paved area in front of that room that has a picnic table. Dub sets up his Choco Monkee making factory on the picnic table, and we all bring lawn chairs and set up along the walkway and the parking lot toward the end of the building?.and it's magically transformed into what is affectionately known as "The Stoop"
Can see the "older" section of motel to left:
And the other section, to the right:
Can see rooms behind my truck?think that's room 106.