This is kinda random, but since this is a pretty geographically diverse group here I figured I'd ask y'all. I'm finishing Mechanical Engineering school in the spring, and at this point have no idea where I want to find a job. I went in to college with the idea of going into automotive, but since I've always got projects to work on at home, I'm no longer dead set on that idea. So really, I don't have a specific field I want to get in to, just something interesting and a good work environment. AND, I WANT TO LIVE SOMEWHERE COOL! I'm from WI, which is nice, and my wife is from IL, which is not, but we want to go somewhere else, at least for a few years. Thinking CO, WA, maybe CA, or even east coast direction, but really open to anything. (thinking mountains and/or oceans/lakes) We're big on the outdoors.

SO, I am looking for ANY and ALL opinions and thoughts. Think your state is cool? wish you could have lived somewhere in particular? or know of a dream company? just looking to grow my knowledge base. your input is appreciated!