New Jersey/New York/Pa......Meet

Who is in?
Iam a member since 2010 , and as far as I know the last Tri-State meeting was in 2009. We should have a meeting before the cold weather strikes.

We should gather in a central location that is fair for everybody in terms of driving distance. Any Ideas? Any Places? Restaurants? or anything?

The date that I put is tentative ,and it can be changed if we have an unanimous vote about an specific date and time of the meeting.

I own a 2000 Proton (First car)

My mother owns a 2001 Kaiser

I have a list of owners who may be interested in attending:
(I will send them a private or call some that I may know)


2:Bigblock VX(NJ)

3: Daly (NY)

4:Emma....(NJ) ( She is a lady who I met 6 months ago ,and she is not a
member of the forum)


6:There is a guy in Tanefly,(NJ) who owns an Ebony(He lives close to my

7:Mike ....He is a guy who owns a lifted Foxfire( I have his phone number)

8: Angeno....He is a member who lives in NJ , and he owns a lifted Ebony.

9:Otto....He is a member who lives in NJ, and I have personally met him. (He has a nice VX)

10:Olex (NY)...He is not a member.He is from Russia ,and he drives a 2000 proton ,and his daughter drives an ebony.

11:Robin(NY)....He is not a member, but I spotted his 99 Astral in a parking lot ,and I informed him about this website.

12: JMNY(NJ)....He is a member ,and he recently purchased a 2001 proton....looks great !! congratulations

......I can't recall all the members nearby ,but Iam sure there are more who will be willing to join.....
In other States VX owners have mettings,,,,It would be interesting to have a meeting in the TRI-State area and other states that want to join,too.. ....WHO IS IN?