Need to install grab bars on shower TILE....because somebody isn't that stable.....

Using "Wingits" brand fasteners, and need to AVOID studs, by 1.5".

Don't have a stud finder....looked on line, read up on features.
Need one that can definitely do TILE, and reliabilly.
Wouldn't mind having the other features too, hot wires, metal scan, AC tracing.

Looks like Zircon I500 (at $142 ) is pretty good.....
Looked like a good idea to get one that has magnetic as well as electronic, so in case electronic doesnt find stud through tile, the magnetic will pick up the metal nails.

This Franklin ProSensor 710 also looked really good, great reviews on Amazon: $50.
But not sure yet if it can do TILE, or has the magnetic capability.

Recommendations?? Any to avoid?
