I spent a good amount of time last weekend out in the cold garage building new control arms for the rear axle. I opted for 2x.25" DOM tubing with johnny joints on one end and poly bushings on the other. Using poly bushings saved me about $100 over JJs all around, putting the total cost at $250 for all three adjustable control arms.

Additionally, I'll be installing longer Rancho 9000XL shocks (amazon), 1/2" shock adapters (indy4x), stainless steel extended brake lines (indy4x), coil spring holders (indy4x) and the previously mentioned WJ 4.5" lift coil springs (rusty offroad) with 2" poly spacers (fatbob's garage/ebay). All of this is more than I originally intended to buy just to adjust rear ride height, but at least now everything will be upgraded.

Pinion angle with new lift and old control arms.

Here's a pic of the new control arms before paint along with an original bent control arm.

Everything ready to install...