I have done my due diligence and tried searching other threads for similar problems, to no avail. I have had my VX for 3 years now and have been only been able to enjoy it for maybe a year, so desperately need some help or incite please.

Long story short : Had the engine block replaced(new) went to pick it up and it drove perfect! I don't have any kids (that I know of) and I would have to compare driving it for the first time for over a year as holding my first child. I love my VX! The next day while driving it I started hearing a rubbing/taping/knocking noise. First instinct was to expect the worse.

Took it back to the shop and they did all the checks and we came to a conclusion that it was not coming the block. So we then took it a transmission shop. In park and engine revving the noise is not present. It is only when in gear and warmed up it is more pronounced. It sounds as if the noise is coming from the bell-housing area.

Upon taking it for a spin around the blocks, I noticed that the TOD was not working properly. The front bars were not lighting up properly if at all. It did feel as if the VX had less guts than before. Taking off from a light they would not light up no matter how hard I punched it. It shifts fine just, but feels a bit gutless. Again, there appears to not be a problem with the engine area.

So in conclusion.
TOD does not work properly. Knocking noise from the bell housing area. Still drive-able, even at highway speeds its smooth just no acceleration and FWD apparently. I am thinking that when putting it all back together that they did not connect the transmission properly or something to that affect. The transmission shop(just south of San Antonio, TX) said that its the 2nd VX he has ever seen. So not sure what he'll tell me.

Any ideas would be awesome before I get to paying him to tear it apart. Thanks