Today is Saturday morning. The symptoms are the same as they were before. Popping in the front CV and some kind of gear in the front diff making change in a cup sound. The 2 wheels in the front won't engage. I've been reading allot about the CV joints and the diff problems. My plan it to drop the CV joints out and repack or refurbish them as needed which takes 7 to 10 days according to a different post. The diff problem could be a number of things but I won't know till I get in there, as another fella put it. Finding parts might take a while. Here's the kicker... My girlfriend wrecked her car and is using my daily driver and now VX is a daily driver, even though I don't think I'd really want to drive VX every day. That being said I'd like to remove the front two wheels drive system and still drive it to work for a couple weeks until I get all the parts I need. I have theories on methods to accomplish this but I'd rather ask the VX vets.