It's 30$ per set/car and takes about an hour. I can do the lights on or off the car.
If on I just tape around the edges

What the other places like wal-mart do is a light sand and apply a film. probem is after a month or so it wears off and the haze comes back.
Same with the kits you buy at the auto places,it's that cheep film crap.
Also there are fine scratches left on the light.

What I do is actually REsurface them,so it also takes care of any nicks or deep scratches from day to day driving over the years along with the clouding/Hazing.
So far my V is going 7 months and my oldest car I did is going 2 years without it coming back.
Also some times if need be I can do the otherside by taking the light apart. But that's vary rare...only if water or due get in it.

To keep it that way once I'm done I recommend just a light waxing of the lights when you wash and wax your car to protect the from UV.

I'm located in Brooksvile FL about an hour north of tampa.
Also you can mail the lights to me as long as you pay return shipping.

And lastly how I do it? thats an old recipe lol