Since I know more than 95% of Land Rover owners will never take it off the pavement I decided I was not going to be part of that percentage.
I usually take all my cars to their limits, being on the track while racing or on the dirt while offroading.

You have seen my VX offroading before.

The evoque is the perfect balance of both, can go track racing and it moves really good and can do some offroading too. Since I had already used my Evoque trackracing with an OK result I decided it was time for me to go offroading, REAL offroading, not just going off the pavement.

I dont buy cars just as a mode of transportation, I like having fun with them.

I am really satisfied at how the Evoque moved in the dirt, even with such a low vehicle I did not damage anything, I might have scrapped the bottom a bit but no serious damage. I dont remember ever hearing about the Evoque having some fancy electronic blocking diferential or torque vectoring system, I think that would be the only thing missing for the evoque so it can become a true offroader.

I wont ever lift the evoque, but I might actually go with a smaller wheel and mudtires like this video

I did get stuck once and it was while drifting a mud pit. Some mud tires and I would have been unstopable.

I have to say that the evoque is one confortable vehicle while offroading.

This is where I got stuck.

And my favorite picture!

One time I tried to climb one of the hills with my VX with Terra Grapplers and wasnt succesfull but somehow the evoque managed to climb it without a problem on street tires.