My reply to Rick (BAXMAN) got bounced back. Not sure why but I will share with everyone. Hope he reads this and not think I am ignoring him.

Hi Rick,
First, the reason that EH is not offered is because the Isuzu group does not have a permit with the National Park. I got away with it the one year I lead it by a personal agreement I had with the NP not Isuzu. Since no one has asked me to be a trail leader, it is not offered. I do have a permit to lead it during Easter Jeep Safari.
I no longer work for Ryder, hence I won’t be up your way any longer. I did enjoy my trips to the Pacific Northwest and the job I had with Ryder but when a better offer comes along...
I have been asked to lead the VX only run on Tuesday. I believe Linda and I have a great trail variation planed but it will not be EH. Since I expect over 20 vehicles EH would not be a choice. The NPS has a problem with large groups of vehicles.
Hope to see you there. Scroll down about half this page once it loads to check out what we are up to this year. Changed from helping run the events to competing. We are not doing very good but having a blast.
PS I don't know if we will be signing up officially but maybe hanging around to help like last year. Not sure what my schedule will be at this time but we are committed to the VX only run.

Hey Todd, How you been? Will you be leading the run this year? I don't see Elephant Hill on the Trail Registration page - is it closed? I reluctantly registered for my 4 trails so I could get the ones I want, hoping none would be duplicated by the VX run. Do you have something in mind?
