Got out of the car to move the motorcycle before backing into the garage last night. Had just stopped for fuel and instead of putting the spare keys in my pocket I dropped them on the passenger seat. Hopped out of the car, moved the motorcycle headed back to hop in the VX and back in NO THE DOORS ARE LOCKED. Car is running, I can see the spare keys in the passenger seat what the ____ am I going to do. Used to have a Slim Jim and did some AAA Road Service work in my youth, but no thin metal right now. Picked a wire hanger out of the closet, Thankfully I had to open the garage door before getting out. Tried the passenger side (better lighting) no luck. Finally was able to pry the top of the door out a bit sneak the hanger in just the right place and snagged the lock button. Had played the lotto (work pool.)yesterday and was hoping I'd get a call this morning that we had won, guess all the good karma went to the lock button and didn't carry further. Now the key's always go in the pocket.
