Well, I just picked up my beloved 2001 Proton today, after having my trusted European specialist (Ferraris & Porsches mainly) do a 100K service - Timing Belt/Water Pump/Tensioner, Drain (NOT flush!) and refill the transmission, bleed brakes, flush/refill cooling system, new spark plugs, Oil/Filter, new transmission pan gasket/filter; as well as sealing the front differential (BIG job, actually - full "in & out" of the front differential, including R&R'ing the axles) and sealing a weeping RR axle seal. $2,500 later, but it's driving like new, and dry as a popcorn fart underneath; man I LOVE that Vehicross, even though I've owned it for 5 years! I usually get tired of a vehicle about now; still as happy with this as the day I bought it! Guess I'm lucky though, in that NONE of the usual problems have bitten ME in the azz - windows work great, virtually no oil consumption, still got 40% left on the original brake pads! Not a spot of rust ANYWHERE, and the paint still looks new - garage-kept pretty much since new, and always in SoCal. Had a buddy wet-sand and polish it a few years ago - no orange peel and not the least dent anywhere! Wouldn't take $15K for it tomorrow...