Sorry, I know newbies are a pain...

I just got back from getting the tires balanced, she was vibrating pretty good 65-70. The tire guys had never seen a VX and told me they think it needs struts/shocks... said the back tires are leaning in like this / \ Is that norman or could it need aligned? Our first vx needed shocks bad and was real bouncy the first test drive (I loved it lol) but this one doesn't seem that way. It seems to have a stiff suspension but idk. My dad thought maybe it was just out of align as the tires are wearing on the back some.

Also, to the OK people, can you recommend a reasonable but good mechanic to work on these? I have a check engine light and the readout is the 401 ERG thing. I've just starting doing some mechanican on my bike... not sure I'm gutsy enough to try on this yet though.
