What are the odds?
What are the odds that the four shocks you bought used three years ago would include ONE with a low nitrogen charge? What are the odds that the four shocks you took off your VX nine years ago would include only ONE unbroken shock with a full nitrogen charge. And what are the odds that the four good shocks would make ONE complete set? Pretty damn good, actually! Can you guess which one is my original shock, and which ones were purchased from Ascinder?
I'm planning to install these this weekend (weather and back pain permitting.) They will match my just ordered Indy 4X4 braided steel brake lines! The front rotors and pads I bought in 2009 will also be installed before too long. After 140,000 miles I was getting a little warp vibration. It will be like brand new again.
2001 Proton Yellow #1379