Just a quick question about our transfer case. I noticed my 4 low is very clunky and loud, so I took it to my buddy's shop and we determined theres is a lot of slop in the front shaft chain. Since my EVO is still sitting in my driveway broke (cant afford to fix it at the present moment), my VX is my only form of transportation. I really can't be without a vehicle so my plan was to put a replacement t-case on,rather then the days I would need to rebuild my present one. There are very few VX t-cases out there, and I was reading other threads, and saw some people hint on the fact the trooper t-case is a direct fit (with some differences). I would really like someone to confirm this, and EXACTLY what are the differences. I quickly viewed my friends trooper when he brought it over, and it looked identical. Or if someone has a a spare lying around they would be willing to sell, I would buy it. Any input would be appreciated...Thanx in advance!