I posted this over on Facebook, but I know there are some around here that aren't wit tha whole F-B thang...SO, I'll repost this here:

To whom may be concerned...Jim decided to tip tha heck over from a heart attack on Friday. Fortunately for him, his wife was home to drag his back side to tha doctor. I'm pretty sure he would'v been too stubborn to call 911 if she weren't there.
Anyway, we just visited him in tha hospital, & he's well on tha road to recovery. He'll be getting a couple more stints & an artificial heart valve in tha days/weeks to come, so post some positive vibes here if ya get tha chance, and I'll print out a screen shot & take it up to him.

On a more funnier note, I had spoken with Mike (his Bro) & Connie (his Wife) last night, & knew he was gonna be OK...so of course I had to show up to visit wearing my helmet & asking if he was ready to go ride'n yet...I also brought a can of corn...just in case he gets a pig or cow valve, I figger he'll no doubt have some cravings...

Thanx in advance,
