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Thread: scared meself!!!

  1. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Larson View Post
    I'll repeat what Tom posted in an unrelated thread, let's take these "yellow-shoelace" contests elsewhere (like to PM's) and keep this crap off the open forum pages. It's all getting really, really old!
    I agree, I has gotten old, but the fact of the matter is Scott that you could have done that a LONG time ago in this thread...and you didn't.

  2. #227
    Member Since
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    Oh my, I came in on the tail-end of this one...

    I'm gonna grab some popcorn and start reading this thread...

  3. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    The problem is, and where your hypothesis falls apart...
    ...nothing could be further removed from the truth relative to people here.

    You have been censured by individuals that encompass...

    ...You are not being "attacked' by a mob or clique of typically like minded people....

    What you are seeing is nothing more than a consensus of opinion from a very diverse group of individuals...
    ..... that happen to agree on this issue.

    That's one way to look at it Jo...and a convenient one for you I might add...but not the ONLY way.

    It could be viewed that you're simply trying to cloud the issue of the particular clique in this case, which is comprised of a few people comprising your "consensus" who simply don't like having it pointed out how cliquish they've been or the self-centered attitudes they've exhibited. (It's not escaped notice after all that a few of said clique members have suggested I just go away).

    You see, as I've said before, I could cite a consensus of members here who feel as I do about the attitudes I've commented on, but the clique I'm referring to has never accepted THAT as a reason to actually change their attitudes, and yet here you are implying that your consensus is somehow better than my consensus? As I said, convenient.

  4. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    You should have specified that in your post about your "success" then, because in the context of this thread, it's debatable that that's ALL you were implying in an effort to try to make the point you've been trying to make.

    I got a decrease when I added the catch can.

    I got even more decrease when I added the vent (which has the same effect as the crossover tube that originated this debacle).

    It's not complete success so in the grand scheme of things we were both right. I'm not trying to be a sore winner ... or admit defeat. I'm not a 'know it all' (even though I joke around at always being right). I had an idea & I tried it out. It ain't perfect but it did help (pretty much the same success rate as my forefathers).

    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    Mind your own business Dude. Kat is a grownup who apparently decided to participate in this thread and make the comments about me that she did of her own free will.
    True. Please forgive me.

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  5. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post

    I got a decrease when I added the catch can.
    Not what this thread was about, and like I said, you didn't mention/imply the catch-can as being the reason for the "success" you were claiming at that time.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    I got even more decrease when I added the vent (which has the same effect as the crossover tube that originated this debacle).
    No it doesn't. The way you described your original crossover tube idea would not have introduced a vent to atmosphere.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    It's not complete success so in the grand scheme of things we were both right. I'm not trying to be a sore winner ... or admit defeat. I'm not a 'know it all' (even though I joke around at always being right). I had an idea & I tried it out. It ain't perfect but it did help (pretty much the same success rate as my forefathers).
    As I said, I'm glad to hear your oil consumption decreased, but surely you can understand that some may not appreciate being pissed on and asking to accept that it's simply raining.

    You're still claiming you were right about your original idea because you had success in decreasing your oil consumption but that decrease in consumption wasn't a result of your original sorry, but no...that's still not rain.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    True. Please forgive me.
    Consider it in the past.

  6. #231
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    Dude, you're either grasping at straws or you really don't understand the mechanics behind the PCV. AFAIK there isn't a positive pressure coming from the combusion chamber input where the PCV attaches so the breather will have the same effect as the crossover tube with or without the catch can. That said, I haven't measured it ... & I've proven myself to be fallible so please feel free to enlighten us less informed as to your logic.

  7. #232
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    Trekker, the ' convenience ' of looking at it "that way"....

    ....was all yours, when you offered the 'retarded clique' analogy in the first place.

    My rebuttal was based on actual knowledge, first hand...
    .....of meeting and getting to know many of these people.

    That is something you cant claim....

    So, which in reality is more 'convenient' ?

    Your projected hypothesis ..... or reality?


    I hope these members will actually speak up....

    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    You see, as I've said before, I could cite a consensus of members here who feel as I do about the attitudes I've commented on,
    ..... and support you publicly.

    If we are all wrong... are all out of line...
    ...then the (silent) consensus you cite needs to lets us know.

    But, until that happens, the only 'consensus' that can be verified... the one clearly seen in this thread.

    Absolutely the best $20 you'll spend per year on your VX.

    ~ ~ > OFF ROAD WHORE <~ ~

  8. #233
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    Trekker, you have GOT to be just completely mentally exhausted from all this hard work you're putting into this conversation.

    Just for the record, I agree with Jo that we (as the VX community) come from all sorts of walks of life, experiences, beliefs...individually, we might be know-it-alls (who might not know much), last-word enforcers (who never back down from a debate), Christians, Atheists, hippies, businessmen, haters or lovers. Jo might drive an offroad whore, and I might drive a pavement princess. I'm sure there's someone here who has a trailer queen. You might have your ways of doing something, Tom has his....we've all learned what we know from failures, successes, advice, and just overall experiencing different angles of doing something. Just because you do something one way doesn't mean somebody else has to do it just like that....the end result should be all that matters. We (as VX owners/enthusiasts) share a bond/friendship/kinda like a family that should really mean something to us. These petty BS "debates" are ridiculous and frankly I'm tired of trying to keep up with my unread threads because there's one like this that's almost 20 pages long of arguing. SOMEBODY please accept that this has been beat to death and just stop with the "last-word" crap.

    Just for the record, I met Jo here. Hated him the first time he said something to me. We're extremely different in our ways of life, our beliefs, the way we see the world around us. I never wanted to get on this forum just because of him. I never wanted to say anything because of that smart-a** sarcastic way he would respond....he was a jerk...and still is, in his own way. Somehow we became Facebook friends just so we could argue back and forth about politics and pick on each other more....and I love the guy to death. We're almost from 2 different planets, but I value my long distance friendship with him greatly (if you can call it that).

    I think Trekker, you seriously need to chill out. You have gotten so involved in you have anything else you're this passionate about??!! Let it be over with. Why are you so insistent about proving a point or making someone else feel like crap? Just walk away....whether or not you think you're right , just wash your hands of it and walk away. We're all in this VX thing together and I know I will always stand up for my VX family...even you. For YOUR sanity, just let it be.

  9. #234
    Member Since
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    Love ya tooo Melanie!!

    And one of these days you are your new hubby ...
    ...need to saddle up BOTH of your VX's and come wheeling.

    Or at the very least , given your self anointed pavement princess status ...

    ... come ride shotgun

    Bottom line for me..
    ... talking to people away from here, actually meeting, getting to know others...
    .... puts a whole different slant on the scribbles sometimes offered here.

    I've said that to Trekker many times, and expressed a desire to meet him many times.

    I hope I do.


    BTW... yer a jerk too


  10. #235
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    Ahh, yous guys make me wanna blush ...This is one big happy disfunctional family and I luvz ya all, even you brother-Trekk. You are the juxtaposition to almost everything I stand for but I still somehow oddly admire your tenacity and candor, though I really don't know why ...Back in post 226 when you said "I has gotten old", you couldn't have been more right if you tried!

    "I agree, I has gotten old, but the fact of the matter is Scott that you could have done that a LONG time ago in this thread...and you didn't."
    Vixer Fixer

  11. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    I agree, I has gotten old, but the fact of the matter is Scott that you could have done that a LONG time ago in this thread...and you didn't.
    Just in case, I thought I best immortalize's priceless!!

  12. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    That's one way to look at it Kat, and it's entirely understandable why YOU would choose to view it that way given your past history of commenting in these threads.
    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Watch it Dude. KAT is good people (she's helped out a lot more people on this forum than you have) & I wuz raised to protect our wimmin folks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    Mind your own business Dude. Kat is a grownup who apparently decided to participate in this thread and make the comments about me that she did of her own free will.

    If she's going to take such actions, she has to accept that there may be consequences...just as I knowingly do when I voice the opinions here that I do.

    And anyway, Kat has helped me with parts in the past too, and I've helped her with electromechanical suggestions for some of the VX issues she's had, but none of that seemed to make any difference in this case, so apparently it doesn't count as warranting your "protection" take your idle threats elsewhere.

    I speak of my own free will, that's absolutely correct.

    I just call 'em as I see 'em, and WHENEVER I feel 'em.

    A prior positive interaction with someone here, does not, necessarily have a connection or control my comments in this thread.

    If I happen to agree I may post that, if I don't agree I may post that as well.

    They're not all cliques TREK, it's just that sometimes Group A agrees on the same "things", sometimes a few from Group B may agree with Group A, Some from Group C may agree with something said in Group A and B....etc, etc..... There's almost an infinite number of configurations of "groups".

    The fact that there appears to be a pretty good number of folks that don't share your opinions in this thread, is just another random collection of members that I'll call a "group", that happen to share the same opinion on this particular topic or comments....that does not make them a clique.

    And IMHO, Jo and VXObsession could not have summarized it any better!

    I happen to be one of those folks Jo has had a few long discussions - face to face - into the wee hours of the morning discussing some very deep differences of opinions on a few topics. Yet because we're both mature adults and respect each other, we very amicably "agreed to disagree" AND MOVED ON! We continue to have a very good friendship both on the forum and by phone and email. In fact, we even still get a few laughs in ABOUT OUR DISAGREEMENTS!
    That's what many people here are trying to get across to you TREK. Just politely agree to disagree and MOVE ON!

    I sold you some stuff because any differences of opinion we may have had or have didn't matter, we rose above it and acted like mature adults.

    There's no mob or mafia or clique here thats collaborating and joining forces to "get you" in some manner. That's paranoia. As many have mentioned, most of us come here and participate for the sole love of the VX. Any further similarities or commonalities of beliefs are pure coincidence whenever a large group of people get together.

    When most of us "agree to disagree" on something here and move on, and continue on with our enjoyment of this site, it makes someone who nitpicks, and continues on and on disagreeing about something or some points, it makes that person appear to ENJOY the disharmony and friction it causes.

    Ever heard the phrase: I learned long ago, never wrestle with a pig. You just get all dirty, and the pig ENJOYS it.

    IMHO, you're kinda lookin' like that.
    VX KAT
    ....the adventure BEGINS ANEW! ...2015......
    Remember that life is not measured in the breaths you take, but rather in the moments that take your breath away.

  13. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Dude, you're either grasping at straws or you really don't understand the mechanics behind the PCV. AFAIK there isn't a positive pressure coming from the combusion chamber input where the PCV attaches so the breather will have the same effect as the crossover tube with or without the catch can. That said, I haven't measured it ... & I've proven myself to be fallible so please feel free to enlighten us less informed as to your logic.
    The mechanics of a PCV system is not even what we're talking about now though Tom. What we WERE talking about is you trying to suggest that adding a vent filter to your oil cap is the exact same as the crossover tube idea you started this thread about.

    Maybe you're just trying to save face now, but continuing to try to make what I've been saying appear illogical by grasping at your own straws to change the subject isn't the way to do it.

  14. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    Trekker, the ' convenience ' of looking at it "that way"....

    ....was all yours, when you offered the 'retarded clique' analogy in the first place.

    My rebuttal was based on actual knowledge, first hand...
    .....of meeting and getting to know many of these people.

    That is something you cant claim....

    So, which in reality is more 'convenient' ?

    Your projected hypothesis ..... or reality?
    You may have met those people in person, but that still doesn't change the REALITY of how they've behaved on this site in threads such as this one at times.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    I hope these members will actually speak up....

    ..... and support you publicly.

    If we are all wrong... are all out of line...
    ...then the (silent) consensus you cite needs to lets us know.

    But, until that happens, the only 'consensus' that can be verified... the one clearly seen in this thread.
    You SERIOUSLY still don't understand why those people would simply choose not to voice their opinions publicly after seeing some of the "verified" responses I've received in threads such as these???

    I hope those people DON'T speak up and back me publicly because having that attitude directed at a person isn't something I would want for ANYONE else.

    And besides, I'm very capable of defending myself with whatever ALL of you guys and girls can throw at has already been "verified" in these threads.

  15. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by VXobsession View Post
    ...I think Trekker, you seriously need to chill out. You have gotten so involved in you have anything else you're this passionate about??!! Let it be over with. Why are you so insistent about proving a point or making someone else feel like crap? Just walk away....whether or not you think you're right , just wash your hands of it and walk away. We're all in this VX thing together and I know I will always stand up for my VX family...even you. For YOUR sanity, just let it be.
    Well I appreciate the input, but I would simply ask the same regarding why some here are still so insistent in making others feel like crap. That's what got all this started after all. Name calling and generalized insults to raise money for this site.

    But have they walked away from that attitude? No, it's occasionally brought back up with those same sarcastic and smartass comments that you yourself have just stated don't set well with you either.

    Since you brought up the question of sanity though, isn't it interesting that some of the people I've been referring to are always questioning mine simply because they happen to be in the majority in this discussion?

    When it's also said that in an insane world, only the "insane" are sane, that doesn't say much for the majority does it?

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