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Thread: scared meself!!!

  1. #46
    Member Since
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    ROFL. Yer killin me here Scott.

    My mind went totally out to left field with "Premature Ventricular Contraction".

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post
    LOL, I did this once too. Pulled into my garage with smoke billowing out from under the hood. Man did I feel stupid,and yes, total mess.

    Glad to find meself in such good company.

    Now we can share one of these:

  3. #48
    Member Since
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    Guess I'll chime in; I've totally done this too. Checked the oil during a fuel stop, topped it off and the closed the hood and took off. A little way down the road smoke, and a nasty smell, started billowing out from under the hood. My heart totally sank and I got a very sick feeling in my stomach (and I needed to change my shorts) because I thought that the engine was toast. Pulled over into a parking lot, popped the hood and saw oil EVERYWHERE in the engine compartment. After a slight panic I realized that the oil cap was off, and luckily still sitting where I had left it (hood must have kept it in place). Topped the oil off again, replaced the cap, and went on my way.

    I don't think the engine compartment was completely cleaned until the engine was replaced (not due to oil loss).
    "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
    -Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Larson View Post
    "Escape","overlooked", tomatoes, tomaaaatoes, the one thing that is never overlooked is the fact that you Trekkie are a dickhead... (Can't get mad, I added the winkie emoticon!)
    So apparently your "escapist" view...even after it's Tom who has illustrated, acknowledged, and admitted that his reasoning was flawed...and even after it's been Tom who has remained defensive about his reasoning being's still me who is somehow the dickhead for suggesting that his reasoning was flawed and simply trying to save him some time in the process?

    That seems to about sum up your reasoning for calling me a dickhead anyway.

    What you constantly and conveniently "overlook" about yourself Scott is how you SO OFTEN involve yourself in discussions that don't even concern you, just because I happen to be one of the people commenting...and end up making comments like the one you just did.

    Dickhead indeed.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBeast View Post
    Trek, it is really odd to me that YOU are consistently proud to point out the fact that there are many people here who are very glad to disagree with you, yet you always think that this has nothing to do with you. I would suggest possibly asking yourself what it is about your interactions with others that makes them enjoy not agreeing with you. It could very well be that the problem lies within yourself and the way in which you conduct yourself here. None of us are perfect, but realizing that many people in a group may enjoy not agreeing with you might just tell you something about yourself.
    When did I say I was "proud" of that happening? Your word, not mine. What I think is that the responses I occasionally get here are unwarranted, based usually in ignorance, and indicative of how a group can evolve into a mob mentality.

    You said it yourself that in those interactions, those "others" you referred to "enjoy" and are "very glad" disagreeing with me, but you never referred to whether those individuals were always correct about what they'd been disagreeing about...just like the illustration Tom has provided in this thread.

    I would suggest possibly asking yourself what your usual reaction is when a discussion is taking place where someone else admits that they were wrong about something, but then you're still expected to remain silent as you're then called a dickhead for going out of your way to help clear up someone elses' confusion to try to save them some unnecessary effort. It is really odd to me that you are currently ignoring THAT fact.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Nah, PV=nRT so pressure & volume are inter-related on a closed (& semi-closed system). One can not be addressed without the other. Volumetric increase without an escape leads to pressure buildup ... hence the basis for the entire discussion. So far the only thing that I've stated that I was wrong about and reversed direction on was the source of the pressure/volume. It doesn't come from the valves. My apologies to the automotive and engineering communities for a rushed assessment that wasn't thought out.
    And now you're changing your story again. You started out basing your theory on a "closed" system, similar to an exhaust system. Remember? All I can say is you have a very convenient way of trying to prove yourself "right" all the time.

    As I said, surely you can understand how a person might see that as you going out of your way to disagree just because of who you're disagreeing with? Notice how I've phrased that as a question since at times you've seemed to have understood things only to turn around and say something to cause a person to question whether that was ever really the case...

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Sorry but that just doesn't sound like me at all. I may be a headstrong/knowitall ... but disagreeable fits me about as well as a leather glove on OJ.
    OK, so YOU can't see it. Doesn't mean others can't though. (And by the way, just being "disagreeable" wasn't what I was talking about anyway).

    Did I ever say it wasn't logical to get rid of a valve that seems to have proven itself inadequate in this particular application? I've replaced mine with a breather filter too after all. But you continuing to change your reasoning whenever it seems to suit you doesn't mean what I've already said hasn't already also addressed the new reasons you've come up with, because as far as your volumetric flow capacity theory goes, if you're engine has gotten to the point that the diameters of the orifices in the stock PCV valve/system are no longer sufficient to bleed off the pressures the engine is creating, it would seem you'd then have a hell of a lot more engine problems that needed addressed than simply modifying your PCV system anyway...don't you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Nope ... I don't think that at all ... & neither do you since you replaced your PCV with a breather.
    You've not only misunderstood why I opted for a breather filter, but you've just contradicted yourself once more in this thread.

    As far as having figured the odds of what you're attempting as being 50/50, I'd sure be curious to know how you came up with those figures before you automatically assume they're accurate and start applying them to whatever results you end up getting.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    50/50 is just a saying to indicate that I have as much probability of being right as I do of being wrong. Since we are talking about a technical area that I have limited experience & knowlege (obviously by the errors I've made), there is no statistical sampling to assign accurate metrics for prognostication.
    Except for the fact that the theory you've been basing your project on was flawed from the beginning.

    And seriously, we know you've joked around on occasion about thinking you're never wrong about anything (who hasn't right?), but did you seriously just try to align your automotive experiment as being along the same lines as the nation-building experiment of our forefathers...?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Actually I was aligning myself more to the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford. But thanks, I'll take Washington, Jefferson, Franklin & Adams. It's interesting that they were the first ones you thought of as my forefathers. I had no idea that you held me in such high regard. Based on your posts, I'd have thought you'd consider me closer to Homer Simpson.
    Your words, not mine, which seems to be about par for the course around here since it's usually been others here who have thrown around those kinds of juvenile insults and derogatory comments rather than me.

    I'm all for self-confidence don't get me wrong, but gee...high opinion of yourself much?

    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    I'm a helluva guy ... no doubt about it. People who think they know everything are incredibly irritating to those of us who actually do!!!
    And there you have it.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Dunford View Post
    I gots an idea!! We'll get y'all some PVC (pipe) and you can beat each other about the head and shoulders to see who is correct.
    Can't get mad at me either, I put smileys in too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Larson View Post
    Take two aspirins and call me in the morning Tom, although I fear it may take more then that to make our headache go away!
    Just two more examples for all those who would continue to imply that it's my attitude that creates an unfriendly atmosphere.

  8. #53
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    I've already put up the white flag so I'll conclude with:

    I have no response to that.

    You win the yellow shoelace contest.

  9. #54
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    Awe...Pissing match over?? Shucks, and it's been sooo much fun...I'll miss the little feller!
    Vixer Fixer

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    Just two more examples for all those who would continue to imply that it's my attitude that creates an unfriendly atmosphere.
    It is your attitude that creates an unfriendly atmosphere, most people here can see it, it is obvious that you will never admit it thought. Here is some free advice: stop spending so much time and effort on proving yourself right in a thread that had nothing to do with you in the first place.

    There is a reason you are the most blocked/ignored person on this site. Your history of beating a dead horse just so you can feel like you are "right" or "justified" or "have the last word" is laughable. Get over yourself and all your quoting other people to prove them wrong.

  11. #56
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    Is there a way to block comments from a specific poster!?!

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by dietz99vcross View Post
    Is there a way to block comments from a specific poster!?!
    Just click on my name ..or anyone you want to ignore...

    ...then on the menu that pops up click "Public Profile"

    Under posters name on profile is a blue "band" the middle is ADD POSTER TO YOUR IGNORE LIST

    Click that...and "Abracadabra"..they are gone

    Absolutely the best $20 you'll spend per year on your VX.

    ~ ~ > OFF ROAD WHORE <~ ~

  13. #58
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    But keep in mind that if someone quotes them in a post it will show up IIRC...
    Last edited by Mile High VX : 11/22/2013 at 05:33 AM
    Live, Love, Forgive and Never Give Up

  14. #59
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    Ooohhh nooooooo...and just when you thought it was safe to go back on the forum! The theme song from Jaws plays in the background...

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Glad to find meself in such good company.

    Now we can share one of these:

    Quote Originally Posted by MSHardeman View Post
    Guess I'll chime in; I've totally done this too.
    Mebbe we should start a poll

    It appears that according to the logical progression of this thread - if you ever forget to put your oil cap back on ... you are indeed a washington-franklin-adams-jeffersonian.

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