I think it's absolutely awful that so many are interested in the value of their VX since parts are getting harder to get....
....keep in mind, we're talking about COSMETICS that will be hard to get. Everything under the hood is completely replaceable.
Why are some of you so quick to part out your VX or even be concerned about it's value doubling? Personally, if there's a very slim chance I couldn't afford or have the resources or means to fix a mechanical problem with my VX, then I'd consider selling it as a whole to someone who wanted to FIX it. I understand if it's wrecked and you can't get body panels for it....but to part one out with a bad engine just because the value of the cosmetic parts went through the roof...???? I just don't get it. The history and rarity of my awesome VX and preserving the vehicle as a whole means much more to me than a dollar...
I'm just shocked at the casual "parting-out" or just trashing at a junk yard that I've seen.