All I can tell you is that when I did mine (Post #19 on this thread) the timing marks on the belt fell on these 3 positions: The green dot on both of the camshaft pulleys at the 10 & 2 o' clock position as you mentioned. And the 3rd line fell on the half moon cutout on the crankshaft sprocket. I think as long as you have set your camshafts in the correct position (as it sounds like you have) and the lines on the belt are on the positions as mentioned. Then im %97 sure you should be good to go. If im wrong then you use the other mark on the crankshaft pulley. Really you have a %50 chance of using the right mark on the crankshaft. But from reading the past posts it seems like im not the only one who used the half moon cutout to line the timing belt mark.