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Thread: Xmas Wishlist

  1. #31
    Member Since
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    I always thought that the word "spic" came from back in the days in NY. When the puertoricans did not speak any English. English speaking folks would make fun of them and ask them "do you speak any english?" so; thats how the word "SPIC" came about. I myself was born in Puerto Rico and I guess when someone uses the word around me I become the bigger person and let it slide. I can't change everyone; especially when people use words freely but w/out the direct intentions to hurt anyones feelings. My friends know better to have respect around others. If someone I know is ignorant; well I guess they won't be my friend for long.

    Hum... I might want 33"s and a lift kit for xmas. LOL!

  2. #32
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    Sorry, was on a date.

    anyhoo, yeah Hera summed it up. Im tired of political correctness and how anal everyone gets so they dont offend anyone else. Say what you want, if i want to hear it ill listen, if i dont ill ignore.

    with me its simple, i hate everyone equally, and dont give a rats behind about what anyone thinks, says or does, as long as it don't hurt me or mine.
    and if i think it will hurt mine, i will make sure they dont see, hear or are affected by it.

    all well, im in a good mood so, ill end this "and god bless us, everyone"

  3. #33
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    thanks for keeping me entertained for a while reading all those posts. since we can say what we want...i wanna say that i think christianity and all those other european religions = the devils work...if there is a devil. and there probably isnt. let's add up all the mass killings and deaths resulted by those religions...yea...probably take forever to do. im not religious...even tho i went to a christian school earlier in my not down with any religion but if i were to think of a perfect would have to be buddhism or taoism or hindu or islam (yes islam is peaceful, advocates peace)...or any other PEACEFUL religion that doesnt have their believers SHOVING it down yoru throat. anyways...if tehre is a God or many Gods...there isnt one set of rules to worship him/her. it's all one's cultural upbringing and personal preference.

    personally i just have less respect for those christians and simliar types that tell me that im going to hell (if there is one) if i dont convert and believe and i've lost many friends because of it. so STOP ENCROACHING ON OTHER PEOPLE'S TERRITORY AND STAY ON YOUR OWN. ok, now i feel better and i'll get back to studying HUMAN EVOLUTION. WERD
    How you gonna stop me im ill-literati/ im like an ill-mariachi wit an automatic shotty/ like tony montana to yo body/ now you really dont wanna come and test me/ i spit verbal fusilades im headin crusades/ to weed out all the fakes like it was da salem witch trials/ yo @ss betta run or else you gettin baked at the stake/ and that'll put a smile on mah face/

  4. #34
    Member Since
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    People do bad things, religion doesn`t.
    Religion teaches basic ways of living and basic principals, people take those out of context and use them for their own benefit.
    There are no perfect people, not perfect christians(hitler was christian), no perfect buddhists(pol pot was buddhist), no perfect hinduists(the caste system is still kept in india), no perfect moslim(Osama) and no perfect atheist(idi amin). etc.

    People have the tendency to use religion to explain their own desires and deeds, and use it as a slogan....... "it`s allah`s will",
    and "god bless America", are beautiful true words...but become oh so dirty when they are used by people with their own agenda.

    Religion is a great thing, as long as you never forget that religion lives for you and not you for religion!
    As for the discussion on this board, great, why do we have to limit ourselves to VX discussions? We`re all old enough to have good descent discussion.
    And what`s on my christmas list..nothing we celebrate Saint Nicolas on the 5th of December in Holland

  5. #35
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    5TH of December?

    YOU HETHEN!!!!! Dont you realize that throws off the marketing and inventory system of everyone else?

    Dutchie Dutchie Dutchie. tsk tsk

  6. #36
    Member Since
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    Sorry Apostle for upsetting the world order
    But kidding aside, did you know that your santa claus comes from "our" saint nicolas?
    He used to be a Turkish (..)priest, who gave presents to poor children on his birthday, so we figured, if we can steal a flower and make it our national flower (tulip), than we can make this priest a saint.

  7. #37
    Member Since
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    Hey Serge! I knew that! I knew that! LOL! I will come visit you guys this coming year. I HOPE! Turbocharger would be nice too under my hood for Xmas! ;eekr;

  8. #38
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    Ahh Dutchie, very wisely put!

    I'm thinking of going diesel with the VX, so this is on my wish list:

    My new diesel engine
    Last edited by Dallas4u : 11/20/2003 at 11:14 AM

  9. #39
    Member Since
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    LOL! I wouldn't have it on my VX, but it maybe fun to put a whole lot of it on someone else's ride.

    Dutchie, very well said!

    On religion - I am not particularly religious in the conventional sense, and I do have a bit of a problem with organized religion for a couple of reasons, which is not so much about the doctrines as it is about some of the followers. I prefer to worship in my own personal way and not necessarily as part of a congregation. I do not care for anyone's approval of how I go about it and to a point don't think there is one right way to go about it. I think religion is full of good intentions and I admire those who have strong faith and are not afraid to say so. I see nothing wrong with trying to introduce others to religion as a means of improving their lives, but do disagree with heavy-handed tactics. I once visited a church and filled out a visitor card and then I got calls every night for a week or so at dinnertime, including this guy pretty much inviting himself to my house. That's a bit much.

    A few thoughts about peace. Sometimes it is necessary to fight to bring about peace and stability, unless you believe that allowing mass murder and mayhem to go forward uninhibited constitutes peace. Peace does not come from doing nothing and it does not fall into anyone's lap. It takes a lot of work and some blood, sweat, and tears. Like it or not, the world is necessarily governed by the use of force. To do nothing and expect things to get better is kind of like asking a child not to do something and expecting it to do any good if there are never any consequences for disobeying.

  10. #40
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    I just wanted to assure everyone that I was trying to be more informative than objectionable in my original post. I have a pretty thick skin and I tend to think of myself as non-PC. I had to endure a lot of foul language and smoking while I served in the US Army overseas. But whenever they asked if anyone objected, I always raised my hand. They would then say "Tough" and continue using the same language. But at least they knew where I stood.

    As far as the story about the navy flags goes, I don't believe it - I think it is a great cover story. If you read the background of the peace movement, you will understand where I'm coming from. But in order to appeal to the masses, they have to tone down what the public hears.

    I have to say that I have immensely enjoyed reading everyone's opinions on here. I feel that we have a very close knit group of people and I consider all of you my extended family. But a good conversation always includes a little debate. I have learned a great deal from reading all of the posts.

    Personally, I feel there is an etiquette when writing for a public forum. If someone were to inform me that something I wrote offended them, I would say "I'm sorry" and try to not make the same mistake in the future. If you don't care that some words are offensive, then by all means, carry on. Life goes on and so will I.

    Thanks for all the comments.


  11. #41
    Member Since
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    Great post, and I love the color of your VX too! :-)

  12. #42
    Member Since
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    seriously though, everyone has their views and opinions. We wouldnt be human if we didnt, but everyone seems to have come to the same conclusion, dont force them on others.

    Dutchie, yeah, know all about that, my mother is german, so i got to open presents early every year, germany xmas is the 24th. or something to that effect, i didnt care, i got to open presents WOO HOO.

    as far as my wish list goes, i wish we would pull our troops out of iraq, nuke the whole damn country, and make Mall of The World in its place. "Plenty of Parking" can be its slogan. as far as mods go, need to get dude some cash for the full size spare im getting from him, and possibly tones trailer hitch.

  13. #43
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by Apostle

    as far as my wish list goes, i wish we would pull our troops out of iraq, nuke the whole damn country, and make Mall of The World in its place.
    Of course that is Osama's wish list too, except substitute USA for Iraq.

  14. #44
    Member Since
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    I come from Poland and we always start celebrating Christmas on Dec. 24.
    Not really, it has something to do with Catholic calendar, and I mean official calendar church uses to set their dates of certain Catholic holidays. It is not about presents, although we open them on 24th after the supper too.
    It is something about U.S. - no offense please, it's only humble opinion of someone who had a pleasure to see different cultures "at work" - that those important holidays, like Christmas i.e., are stripped of any unnecessary extra days, to be simply lazy, eat like piggies, and celebrate their God's birthday. Anyone who comes to Poland around this time of the year gets stuck at the table for three days, because the whole country simply puts everything, even retail, on hold and celebrates, like it was supposed to be. They eat before and after church, nap, enjoy famillies, visit eachother, but most of all praise the Lord. Unfortunately U.S. lost the beauty of Christmas on account of sales revenue. Sad...

    Going back so swastika, for those who are interested.
    It is said the most interest Hitler had in this symbol is it's connection with god of sun in Aztec tradition - if I am not mistaken. Putrity was his thing, and what's more cleansing than ray's of sun?
    I do remeber going over it in school in Poland circa 15 years ago, but who really pays attention in school?

    There is interesting study of swastika nad it's meaning for Hitler

    Sorry I came out with it so late. Like they say, better late than never.

  15. #45
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by yal^
    Unfortunately U.S. lost the beauty of Christmas on account of sales revenue. Sad...
    I would have to agree with you on this for sure.

    By the way, HERE is a little interesting bit of info on the history of the swastika.
    Last edited by Dallas4u : 11/21/2003 at 08:26 AM

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