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  1. #1
    Member Since
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    Xmas Wishlist

    Is anybody really working on either a carbon fibre air intake or a carbon fibre hood insert (with a scoop)? If yes, any time tables? Not to be a pest, but I am trying to decide how much xmas money to set aside.

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    I just thought I would reply to this as I think some people may be unaware of a few facts. When you write "xmas" instead of "Christmas" - you are taking Christ out of Christmas. For some of us, this is offensive. If you would rather not use the word "Christmas," you can use something like "the Holidays" or "the holiday that comes before New Year's Day" or anything else.

    Since this holiday was instituted to celebrate the birth of Christ, it should be given due respect. If you do not believe in Christ, then by all means find some other term - just do not use "xmas."

    As far as your other questions go, yes, there are some items being worked on. I believe Ron of is working on a hood insert. Once you bought this, you could then have it coated with carbon fiber. But I wouldn't think this will come before Christmas. Most probably this will be late spring/early summer...

    By the way, the other thing most people are unaware of is the peace symbol. This symbol is an upside down broken cross. The people who formed this movement in the sixties did not like organized religion or war, so they wanted to come up with something different. Their idea? "Peace without Christ" and thus the upside down broken cross. I often see people that display both the peace symbol and the cross and I have to wonder if they even know that these two symbols are a contradiction to each other...

    Thanks for listening! Above all, I do not mean to offend anyone. I just believe that all people, races and religions should be respected no matter what.


  3. #3
    Member Since
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    '99 Ebony Black VX, 0339
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    Ease up tigger - it’s just a COMMON, accepted abbreviation unless YOU choose to take it another way.

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    2001, Black, VX, 0781
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    Originally posted by tiggergreen
    Since this holiday was instituted to celebrate the birth of Christ, it should be given due respect. If you do not believe in Christ, then by all means find some other term - just do not use "xmas."
    The irony here is that Christmas, like most Christain-celebrated holidays is a co-opted holiday from an earlier religion. In this case, December 25th was a Roman holiday for their sun god, seems to be related to the winter solistice too.

    On the other end of the timeline, I think that American culture took the Christ out of Christmas long ago. It is a sales event more than anything else today.

    By the way, the other thing most people are unaware of is the peace symbol. This symbol is an upside down broken cross. The people who formed this movement in the sixties did not like organized religion or war, so they wanted to come up with something different. Their idea? "Peace without Christ" and thus the upside down broken cross. I often see people that display both the peace symbol and the cross and I have to wonder if they even know that these two symbols are a contradiction to each other...
    Not to be intentionally harsh, but that really sounds like a persecution complex. A couple of minutes with google brings up a TON of hits on this story, but the only one that has 1st person information to back it up is the origin as a sign for nuclear disarmament. The writings of Bertrand Russell who was a member of, and for a time, president of, the Direct Action Committee against Nuclear War. Some of his letters from that time period explain that the symbol was constructed from the Navy semaphore signs for the letters N and D to represent Nuclear Disarmament in the mid to late 1950's. Here's the site that uses way too big fonts. Corroborating information is here.

  5. #5
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    I have never heard that about the peace symbol before. Wouldn't doubt it at all, though. I once heard that the swastika was originally a Native American sort of peace symbol, and it really meant peace. The Nazi swastika is very similar but upon closer examination is the reverse of the Native American symbol. Anyone know anything more on this? Could be, but I kinda doubt the Nazis were real up on their Native American culture.

    I agree with Tiggergreen about the use of "Xmas" instead of Christmas. Like Tiggergreen said, there are several alternatives to Christmas that can be used without corrupting the word and possibly offending Christians. There is no need to take the Christ out of Christmas. Christians have every right to openly celebrate Christ whether anyone else likes it or not, and they certainly owe no apologies for it. Nor is doing so in any way an affront to any other faith or lack thereof any more than, say, someone's overt claim that they are agnostic is necessarily in any way an attack on Christians.

    It's always odd to see Christmas tree lots with "Xmas Trees" signs. Seems to me that if you want to sell trees to people looking to celebrate the life of Christ, you may want to leave the Christ part in there. I bet those lots sell less trees, even if a lot of people have turned the whole thing into more of a presents thing than a Christian thing.

    I don't get too offended by the use of "Xmas" because I do not believe all who do it mean offense nor do I expect all to be believers, but I think it is at worst greatly disrespectful and at best a lazy abbreviation. Nor is it a proper one, as X does not represent Christ. It usually is used to represent the crossing out of something or crossing in general, as in a railroad crossing, or our use of "VX" as an alternative to using VehiCross. And no, I don't really buy it that the X represents the cross Jesus died upon to those who use "Xmas". I do think it is more reasonable to think that, especially in the case of Christ, an omission of the name more likely represents a disagreement with the faith.

    Also, ironically the Christmas tree tradition stems from ancient pagan traditions, as do the various Santa Claus/St. Nicholas incarnations. As the Roman Empire became Christianized in nature and self-proclaimed Christian emperors began to emerge, the Romans found it useful and convenient to make Christian holidays coincide with pagan ones in a bid to more easily assimilate non-Christians. Basically they co-opted the pagan holiday of Saturnalia, the celebration at the winter solstice. Thus we got the improbable placement of the time of Christ's birth at a season when, for instance, Caesar would not have been likely to have held a tax census requiring all to return to the town of their birth. Christmas is still obviously very much about Jesus Christ, but it borrowed a few things along the way (kissing under the mistletoe, hanging holly and wreathes, etc.)

    EDIT: P.S.- WyrreJ, I see you hit on one of the same points while I was typing this.

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Aug 2003
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    I believe the backward swastika is a buddist thing...
    How To Roll A Blunt
    Last edited by MZ-N10 : 09/05/2011 at 02:19 PM

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    The backward swastika exists both as an indo-chinese symbol and a native American symbol, though they have different meanings. It's been discovered in use by many cultures.

    The assumption of Saturnalia was actually used by early conquering armies as they progressed into Pagan lands for easier assimilation of the local population. They found that it was much easier to replace the local holiday than to eliminate it (in some cases it was Saturnalia, but in most it was the "new year" type holiday widespread throughout pagan europe.

    The term X-Mas was actually first commonly used by advertizers in the US - too lazy to spell-out the entire word, especially for signage. It became common with the advent of fast moving automobiles, as X-Mas is easier to see from a moving car than the word Christmas.

    X was actually used for Christ as far back as Constantine (the first Roman Emperor baptized as Christian - albeit on his deathbed). He had a vision that if he placed the Chi Rho (first two letters of "CRist" in greek) on the shields of his men he would be successful in battle. He won the battle and this became popularized by later Christian armies as the white cross, especially during the crusades. When Constantine's troops were moving, their shields would tilt, causing the the X to appear as a cross. The quote "In Hoc Signo Vinces" or "In this Sign we will Conquer" comes from this event.

    Although the X in X-mas may offend some Christians, I see it as a general over-commercialization of Christmas and this is cause to berate its use by everyone, Christian or not.

    -- John
    John Eaton
    Original Owner
    2001 Proton Yellow #580
    Atlanta GA

    "Metaphors be with you"

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Apr 2003
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    Wow! I had no idea Xmas would cause such a stir. I have used it for years and years, and this is the first time somebody told me they were offended. Very sorry...

    However, back to original subject, it sounds like there may be hope for a hood scoop. Ron, are you out there? Can you confirm?

    Also, how about the intake? Tone, I believe you were looking at this, as well as some others. Any luck?


  9. #9
    Member Since
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    2001 Ebony S/C #1304
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    Just to add a note about tolerance....

    Taking no side, but to play devils advocate for both, there are those that use Christmas and those that use Xmas. For one to "preach" to the other that "my" way is the way to use it, is simply hypocritical. I think, all things aside, both sides should just tolerate the use of the spelling. It's like a working relationship where both sides give 50/50 and everyone is happy in the end. Just my 2 cents.

    Yes, carbon fiber intake and insert. ALWAYS been on my "Xmas/Christmas/Holiday" list. I would love to get them myself.... of course, I need my VX back in order to even be able to anything with them. I believe Tone and Ron were the drivetrain behind R&D for these products, but since they are a WIP, little can be said. Just ask for money for a gift and save it up for when they do finally come out.
    Gary Noonan
    '01 S/C VX / '18 Forester XT

  10. #10
    Member Since
    Jan 2003
    2001, IronMan White, #440
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    Hey what about a Kwanzaa list?
    Celebrate whatever you want.
    Remember this is a Vehicross Board.

    I think I'm going to treat myself and my VX to some new cladding.
    Last edited by tomdietrying : 11/20/2003 at 04:42 AM
    "Through Great Sacrifice..... Great Rewards Will Be Achieved"

  11. #11
    Member Since
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    Wink X-mas true definition

    The English letter ‘X,’ which represents the Greek letter chi, the first letter of Christos ("Cristo") for Christ. Christos means "anointed one" and comes from the verb chrio (criw), "I anoint." So, It is not taking Christ out Christmas.

    I'm catholic and I don't find the word "Xmas" offensive. It's just a faster way to spell Christmas and associated with the American made famous Santa Clause ( Coke started making him popular back in the day ). To each his own but I get tierd of people corecting each other on fanatic forums. Like my friend says "It is what it is..." So let it be. Making rules for people who post just makes it harder for us to post our true feelings and personalities on forums. From a single catholic spic that loves X-mas I say "Hakuna Matata" to everyone! ;Dr;

    P.S. I want a hood insert also. Who is going to make them? I met Albert in Los Angeles last year and the reason that he was involved in making them in Hong Kong was the cost. Who has connections over here in the USA? Oop! Unites States of America. LOL! :-) I love dis contry! I hope I dont upset tiggergreen ;eekg; Just my 2cnts
    Last edited by VCAMILO : 11/19/2003 at 03:25 PM

  12. #12
    Member Since
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    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
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    In my VX stocking I want...

    For my list of goodies I want:

    nerf bars
    Rons' floor mat plates
    4 "16 wheels

    and a wonderful holiday road trip to go with it!
    2000 Ebony #263
    Original Owner- love her too much to part with her.

  13. #13
    Member Since
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    Being an agnostic atheist, I will say that VCAMILO sums it up... besides the fact that this is all off topic, so I know I'm being a bit hypocritical by posting this. By the way, if you don't like the fact that I believe what I believe... then it is your problem and not mine.

    That being said, a CF insert that actually does something positive is definitely something I would put on my list!

  14. #14
    Member Since
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    John, thanks for the info... I dig neat info like that and appreciate the enlightenment. I had no clue on a lot of what you said before now. But most people have never heard that either and I dare say the great majority of people using "Xmas" have never heard it.

    I used to be more bothered by the use of "Xmas". Not so much any more. Just as an example, my wife had a strong religious influence in her upbringing and we have boxes of decorations in the garage that she wrote "Xmas" on. She certainly meant no harm by it and keeps trying to get me, a Baptist preacher's grandson, more active in church. So you have to take the "Xmas" thing with a bit of a grain of salt. I don't really like it much, but I'm not real upset over it either.

    I don't think anybody is attacking atheists here. Heck, if you're an atheist and you end up being wrong, it isn't me who'll have to pay the penalty, so to each their own.

    Tomdietrying, better watch out... you misspelled Kwanzaa.

    My list of wants for the VX is too long to list, and growing all the time.

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    I've always spelled out "Christmas" just because I don't want to project the image of being too lazy to write/type it
    Besides...if I can spell out Cambridge Springs (I used to only have to write "Erie"!) on every gosh darn return address I make out than by-golley I can spell out Christmas every time too....Lazy people offend me!...okay there, I said I don't want to be labeled just another "Razy American" or "Razy Roundeye" for that matter by the good people that built our trucks!

    My Christmas list is:

    1) OBX Tomcat Auto shift knob in carbon/red.
    2) Ron's console shifter "plates" in a shade of red to match the red door panels of the VX.
    3) Either a Valentine 1 or Beltronics 985 radar detector.
    4) Remote Starter for VX.
    5) Ron Popeil's rotissarie grill..."Set it and Forget it....Baby!!!!!"

    P.S.---Things that offend Me:

    1) Yosemite Sam saying "I'ze hates Rabbits!" I mean come on...clearly a predjudicial statement!
    2) Elmer Fudd a.k.a. Ward Burton pronouncing most words as though they begin with a "W" (i.e. "Wabbit"). Clearly projecting a "verbally-challenged" character in a positive light thereby telling youths of today that it is "OKAY" to mangle the english language....the atrocity of it all!
    3) Wile E. Coyote's continuous defamation of the Acme Comany by portraying their products in a manner which degrades it to the otherwise open-minded consumer so as to convey a subliminal statement of negativity resulting in poor sales thus creating a hostile environment for marketing of said products.
    Just the tip of the iceburg!
    Last edited by Jolly Roger VX'er : 11/19/2003 at 07:16 PM
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"If its fast and reliable, its not cheap;
    if its fast and cheap, its not reliable;
    if its cheap and reliable, its not fast."

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