My TOD check light.

A good while back, I removed the ABS speed sensors from my steering knuckles. After which, I had no issues other than my ABS light was on. I don't really like ABS anyhow, especially off road, so it was not a big deal to me.

Roughly 8 months later, my TOD Check light started flashing. The codes were for the front and rear speed sensors in the transfer case. Some people speculate that the TOD depends on the ABS. I was told by Jerry Lemond that the TOD and the ABS systems are separate, and I tend to lean that way as my TOD functioned normal for almost a year after I removed the ABS speed sensors from the knuckles.

That said, I just took out my Electrical Troubleshooting manual, and it says: "The TOD control unit recieves an input from the ABS system, when active, to apply voltage to the clutch solenoid (transfer)."

The key phrase there, "when active". How do you all interpret that?

I did try changing the front and rear speed sensors and it did not fix it. I have not looked under the shifter console on the top of the trans to see if there is a wiring issue, and that will be my next step.

I guess a final test would be to source a set of knuckles with the speed sensors still intact.
