Bought my VX about 2 weeks ago and so far I've addressed the window issue with a new regulator ordered from Pugmire Isuzu out of GA, replaced all the speakers and cut out the holes larger in the rear to fit 6.5", both sides has new CV axles due to clicking in 4-lo, new lower ball joints because I was already in there, front and rear dif flushed, trans flush/filter, transfer case flush, tires, plastidipped the wheels and made some vinyls for the center caps and rear window, aftermarket cd player, reshimmed the valves because it sounded like a cummins at idle lol and a K&N filter. Honestly though I was pleased with the vehicle when I bought it but it is the most expensive vehicle I have purchased to date so I'm trying a little harder than usual. Just wanted to say a little something about my progress, if anyone knows of anything else I should check I would appreciate it.