So, after the winter that seemed it would never end it's just now starting to warm up here in the Northeast. Driving my VX this afternoon I exited the highway and was stopped at a traffic light with my A/C running and the ambient temperature in the upper 70s. All of a sudden I happen to notice my engine temp gauge creeping up to the H line. OH SHUZBUDT!, I say to myself, not again!!?

Seems I spent most of last summer running down every possible cause for engine overheating and remedying the problems one by one. New radiator, new hoses, new fan clutch, Mobil 1 synthetic, and so it went. I finally hoped/thought/prayed that I would have solved the problem. Apparently, not the case.

My VX is in remarkably pristine condition top to bottom (see attached photos), but it does have almost 150K on the clock. Maybe the engine is simply close to the end of its useful life? I'm frustrated. I do not want to stop driving my VX. Ever. But I also need to have a modicum of utility and reliability, yes even with the A/C on, and even in the heat of the summer.

Any thoughts / ideas would be sincerely welcomed. Thanks folks.