This is the new low profile antenna I built. I have been working on this for years and I finally got the last parts I needed. HCloud provided a flux capacitor and I finally tracked down a bipolar inversion coil from Tesla(not the car, Nicolas). You can see I am drawing power from the grid(thanks FPL), it takes about eleventy two billion watts. It is specifically mounted on the VX for a reason, this antenna picks up thoughts from other VXers around the world.
First I tried PK on a wave skip to Oz. The only problem was it was upside down, the good news was he was finally driving on the correct side of the road. Next I tried Dub, but the readout said no one in their right mind would live in that state. I swung the antenna to Kat, but it wouldn't connect, something about you actually have to have a VX. So I thought JoJo has more than one VX so the connection should be very strong. Big mistake, images of VX's and "ladies" we're being burned into my memory. Florida Power and Light (which was provided power unknowingly) started to pulse and make funny noises. The flux capacitor burned and twisted into a smiley face and died. The Tesla bipolar inversion coil vaporized.
I quess the moral of this story is don't try to make your VX into an interstellar mind reading machine. I will have to figure out something else to do with all that aluminum on top of my VX
Mike Benjamin