OK, now that that's out of the way...

ahdoman, historically ZuZoo (as it used to be called) started on the Tuesday of the week that we are out in Moab, at least for us, with a "VX Only" run. We still, sort of, keep to that tradition with a newbie run on Tuesday that is meant to showcase to new off roaders just what our VX's are capable of. We usually try to pick a trail that a stock VX can get through so we don't scare anyone.

In general, there are usually multiple runs on multiple trails going on simultaneously throughout the week. We usually meet up at The Stoop (the Apache Hotel this year) in the evenings to chit chat, meet and greet, and just generally hang out with the VX fam. During the multiple, mostly adult beverage fueled conversations groups will start to form for the next days trails. Some "trail leaders" will pick harder trails and others will pick easier trails. It all kind of ebbs and flows naturally and usually everyone gets to do a trail that they are comfortable with.

Once you get to Moab and meet everyone and check out their rigs you'll get a good feel for who you want to run with and when.

I really hope that you can make it out because even if you don't run a trail at all it's still great to meet everyone and hang out with a bunch of other VX nerds.