I'm starting this thread here because I figure it's the best place to continue sharing pics and results of trying to fix my leaky radiator.

To start from the beginning, I noticed that there was a very small coolant puddle on the top plastic part of my radiator. I would wipe it off but it would still be there instantly. So I figured that there was a tiny hole or crack at the top of the radiator. I figure it could be patched up, so I buy some JB Weld putty(bad idea - get the epoxy stuff). Well after two minutes of the VX running, coolant already started eating away the putty and it leaked even worse.

I bought another radiator to replace this one, but another member here suggested that 3m 5200 adhesive worked perfectly for him, so I bought that.

This was my first time putting the 3m on, but I read that the area needs to be really clean before putting it on. So I used a rough file, scratched up the plastic surface really well, cleaned it all off, and applied the 3m.

Well, I was thinking about putting another coat of 3m on there, but I was too eager to try out the fix. So I got the VX running for about 5 minutes and checked to find no leaks. I decided to drive it to work, and then checked it one more time to find this:

Coolant had sprayed all over the engine bay and it was coming out of a really small hole in the front of the adhesive. I drove it home, removed the old 3m, cleaned the area up, and applied a bigger amount of 3m adhesive.

This time, I'm going to wait 24 hours and then will apply another coat of adhesive, then one more coat after that one dries.